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Kairi POV:

I wake up and I can finally move! I look over and see Mattia isn't there. Maybe he was in his office? Or the kitchen?

I get up and see that the door was left open to our bedroom. And I see a path of heart shaped flower petals going into the hallway. So I walk into the hallway following the heart shaped petals. The petals led me to the door of Mattia's office.

I opened the brown doors and saw Mattia sitting at his desk. "Come here Kairi" he says looking me in my eyes. I walk over to him and ask "are you trying to have sex with me?" "No, I heard you confess your feelings to me last night and I want to take into action" he says handing me beautiful expensive flowers that smelled amazing. "What do you mean take into action?" I ask. "Be mine Kairi" he says. "I don't know Mattia are you sure you like me like that?" I ask. Of course I liked Mattia, but I didn't want to end up like another guy who got his heartbroken.

"Of course Kairi! Why do you think I asked your dad to sell you to me?" He says. "You did what!" I yell at him. "Fuck! Kairi I've had my eyes out for you since the minute I saw you now I finally got you!, i want you badly Kairi please say you want me back!" He says pouring his heart out to me. I dropped the flowers to the floor and grabbed his face, then connected our lips.

He then kissed me back and backed us up to his desk. He flicked his tongue over my lips for permission to enter. I accepted his request. He puts his tongue in and we start fighting for dominance. He sits on his desk and pulls me on his lap not breaking the kiss.

Alvaro POV:

I was laying on my bed until I got a call from a no caller ID.

Alvaro: Hello?
???: Bring Kairi to me or I will leak your greatest secret and you better not tell anybody if you know what's good for you
- ??? Hangs up -

What the fuck

Kairi POV:

⚠️smut warning⚠️

Mattia was railing the fuck out of me on his work desk. "Harder daddy please!" I moan. He rams into me harder slapping my ass in the process. "Fuck Kai" Mattia groans. I then heard my phone ring. "Ah Mattia s-stop fuck!" I moan trying to see who's calling me. He doesn't stop, he goes faster. I grab my phone and see that it's Alvaro who's calling me. "Answer" Mattia says sternly. "Mmmm daddy!" I moan making Mattia slap my ass. "Don't make me tell you again!" Mattia says going harder. I answer the phone.

Kairi: H-Hello
Alvaro: Hey there was a random ass dude who called me telling me to bring you to him it was weird keep your guard.
Kairi: ah o-okay I g-gotta go
Alvaro: uh you good?
Kairi: fuck, y-yeah I'm fine bye
-Kairi hangs up-

"Mmm good boy" Mattia coos in my ear. "Daddy I-I'm gonna cu- ahhh!" I moan orgasming. My legs starts shaking "fuck baby!" Mattia moans cumming inside me. He slaps my ass and pulls out. I turn around and lay on my back. "Goddamn Kai you're fucking amazing!" Mattia says. I give him a kiss on the lips and lay on top of him. I feel him pick me up and take me to our bedroom.

⚠️smut end⚠️

After we shower we put clothes on and I get in the bed to take a nap. Mattia kisses my forehead and walks out the door. I wonder what he's up to?.P

Mattia POV:

I knew immediately that it was Mariano who wanted Kairi. I've known him for years and he wouldn't just forget about something like this. It always has to be something. There is one thing that me and Mariano have in common. When we want something we won't stop until we get it. That has always brought us together, because I would do anything for him.

But I don't give a fuck who you are, no one fucks with what's mine.
Hello my lovelies❤️ welcome back I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. See you soon bye bye❤️✌🏼

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