Double-Date Pt1

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They say words will cut deeper than a knife, but it is the love that is in action that will stab you in your heart, it is the power of feeling and emotion that shall perish you with the sight. A heart runs on feelings and life. But how shall I live with no heart, not have I had feelings nor life?


I like I was on top of the world and no one could bring me down. I felt the happiest I've ever been in my life.

"Kaiiiiiii" Mattia says dragging the I's in my name. "Yes Tia" I say flipping a page in my journal. "Whatcha writing?" Mattia asks me. I close my journal and say "why are you so nosey?" I say. He gives me a frown. "I'm just playingggg" I say jumping on top of him and cuddling him. He smiles at me and attacks me with face kisses.

"Seriously though, what do you write about in that journal?" He asks. "I don't know, a whole bunch of stuff" I say. "Did you write something today?" He asks, I shyly nod. "Can I read it?" He asks. I hand him my journal and flip to today's page. I watch as he reads my writing.

Once he is finished he looks at me and smiles. "Holy shit this is awesome princess, you're really good at this" he says happily. "I know right!, that's why I need to get back to a high school so I can get my diploma and go to college and pursue my dream as a writer" I say excitedly.

His smile turns into a frown. "I don't know babe, you sure you want to?" Mattia asks me. "Yes baby!, I really want this writing means so much to me" I say hoping he would say yes. "Alright alright, I'll let you go, but you're going to the best one I can find, because I don't need you getting beat up again" he says with a serious look on his face.

"Okay okay that's fine!" I say happily. "Alright then, first thing tomorrow we'll go school searching, this is a pretty nice area so it shouldn't be too hard to find anything" he says handing me my journal back. "Okay" I say smiling. "But in the mean time, do you wanna pick up Alvaro and maybe we can go to the movies and have dinner?" He asks. "That sounds awesome let me call him!" I say excitedly.

I dialed his phone number and waited for him to answer.

Alvaro: Hi KaiKai! What's up?
Kairi: Hey Varo! Wanna go watch a movie and get dinner with me and Mattia?
Alvaro: Sure!, give me 30 minutes to get ready
Kairi: Okay see you soon bye!
Alvaro: Bye!

"Alright he said to give him 30 minutes to get ready" I say to him. "Okay, what are you gonna wear?" Mattia asks me. "Hmm, well where are you taking us for dinner?" I ask. "Wherever you and Alvaro wanna go, princess" Mattia says undressing himself, preparing for a shower. "Okay I'll call him, you can go shower" I say. "Alright babe be back" Mattia says walking in the bathroom and closing the door.

Alvaro: Motherfucker I'm getting ready what!
Kairi: Bitch where do you wanna go for dinner?
Alvaro: I don't know, but how should I dress
Kairi: I don't know where we're going, so I don't fucking know either
Alvaro: Let's just wear something casual, let's all wear black
Kairi: Okay I was going to wear black anyways, because that's our mafia color
Alvaro: Alright, well I'll see you in a few bye bestie!
Kairi: bye!

I undress myself and go into the bathroom. I open the glass sliding doors and get in the shower with Mattia. "Oh my gosh Kairi, can you please give me a heads up next time!" Mattia yells. "Aye aye capt'n!" I say grabbing the body wash. "Why the hell do you always use my body wash? You have a whole cabinet filled with all kinds of body wash and soap!" Mattia says. "Because I like your scent" I say making Mattia blush.

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