Turn of Events

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I was laying in my bed in my room, because Mattia was out running errands. I was really bored and had nothing to do. So even though he was busy I decided to call him.

Mattia: Hey princess, what wrong?
Kairi: Oh nothing I'm just bored
Mattia: uh okay, I'm kinda busy right now
Kairi: whatcha busy with?
Mattia: I'm talking to my men
Kairi: Can I say hi?
Mattia: no
Kairi: why not?
Mattia: because my men are reckless and you will never meet them nor speak to them ever
Kairi: You're reckless and I speak to you
Mattia: but it's different because you're my boyfriend
Kairi: Yeah and I wanna see you
Mattia: I'm working Kai
Kairi: I don't care, come home I wanna cuddle
Mattia: Kaiiii no not right now
Kairi: pleaseeeee
Mattia: fine, I'll be there in 30 minutes
Kairi: Okay byeee!

I honestly just want him to come home, but a part of me wants to cuddle too. It's so satisfying how I have him wrapped around my finger. I'm cut out of my thoughts to a phone call from a random number.

Kairi: Hello?
???: Hello, is this Kairi Consentino?
Kairi: Yes? What wrong?
???: You're father was shot last night, I'm sorry but he did not make it
Kairi: My dad is dead?
???: Yes, I'm sorry
Kairi: Do they know who did it?
???: It was done by mafia men, but we don't know which one
Kairi: Okay thank you
???: No problem goodbye, again I'm very sorry for your loss
Kairi: thank you, bye
-??? HANGS UP-

As soon as she said Mafia I knew exactly who it was.

I say down waiting for Mattia to arrive. And as soon as he walked through the door I gave him a hard slap to the face. "What the fuck Kairi!" Mattia yells at me. "Did you kill my fucking dad!" I ask yelling back. "Okay listen, it was-" he says getting cut off. "You killed my fucking dad!, you had no fucking right to do that!" I scream at him. "What the fuck is the problem! You don't like him anyways!" He screams back. "We're done!" I scream, making him go silent.

"W-What" he says on the brink of tears. "It doesn't fucking matter if I don't like him or not, he's still my dad and you had no goddamn right to kill him!" I say grabbing my phone and my charger. "Kairi where are you going!" Mattia says angrily. "Somewhere away from you!" I say. "Oh my god you're so fucking dramatic" Mattia says with an attitude. "I have no one now Mattia! I lost my mom, my sister, and you just murdered my fucking dad!" I say crying uncontrollably.

He looks at me with soft eyes. "Wait Kairi, please don't leave me" Mattia says with tears now flowing down his face. "Why the fuck not!" I say. "It was late at night and I was counting money at my factory, and he came in and started yelling and screaming at me about how I took you away from him,then he started calling you really bad names and I just lost control" he says crying.

"Why Mattia?" I say. "I had a lot on my mind that day, I had just found out that my brother died and my family was telling me how much of a fuck up I was, and your dad was calling me a fuck up and I just spazzed out I'm so sorry" Mattia says. I walk over to him and hug him dropping my phone and charger on the bed. "It's okay I didn't like him anyways" I say making us both laugh, as he hugs me tight.

We both finally settle down and decide to watch a movie in our master bedroom. "What movie do you wanna watch Kai?" Mattia asks me. "Uhhhh, let's watch Norbit!" I say. "No that movie is so stupid" Mattia says, making me give him a mean mug. "Okay maybe I should've broken up with you" I say giggling. "Okay we're going to sleep!" Mattia says making me bust out into uncontrollable laughter. "I'm just playing!" I say. "After all of this that just went on, you should not be playing like that!" Mattia says being dramatic. "Oh hush!" I say going to HBO Max.

We were watching a movie until I realized that I had ran out of snacks. I let out a huge whine "what's wrong baby?" Mattia asks me. "I ran out of snacks" I say pouting. "Alright I'll go get you some more, what do you want?" he asks me. "Popcorn and skittles and sourpatch kidz and gummy bears and-" I say being cut off. "Okay I'm gonna have to go to the store" he says groaning. "That was hot, but make sure you get me a slushy too" I say. "If I buy your snacks, can I get some?" he asks. "Of course you can have some of my snacks babe" I say. "No I don't mean the snacks" he says with a smirk. "Oh, um I'll think about it" I say now blushing. 

Once he leaves I continue watching the movie waiting for him to come back. While I was waiting I got bored, so I decided that until he got back I would play just dance. I went downstairs into tv room and hooked up the game. Once I finished setting everything up, I chose the song Barbie Girl by Aqua.


I had everything Kairi asked me to get and I was getting out of the car. Once I got out of the car I started walking to the door, and immediately I heard music. I walked in and the music was extremely loud. "IM A BARBIE GIRL IN A BARBIE WORRRRLLLLDDD!" I heard Kairi screaming. I ran into the tv room and turned the tv off. "Heyyyy!" Kairi yelled like a 6 year old. "I could hear your loud ass all the way outside!" I yell back. "If you yell at me one more time today, you ain't getting shit!" Kairi says silencing me.  

We walk into the kitchen where I had set the bags with the snacks in them. When Kairi opened the bag up his eyes lit up like a 5 year old unboxing a new iPad, it was so adorable. "You bought all this for me!" Kairi says excitedly. "yep it was expensive, but worth seeing the look on your face" I say not lying. Kairi smiles brightly and runs over to hug me. I hug him back and smile. "Wait, where's my slushie?" Kairi says, his smile turning upside down. "Oh right here!" I say making his frown turn back into a smile. "Soooo, can I get some?" I ask. "Hmm, nah you made me cry today" Kairi says drinking his slushy. "I knowww but I made it up to you though!" I say. "Maybe next time" Kairi says taking the snacks and running upstairs.                                                                                                                                                                 --------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                      Hello my lovelies <3 welcome back, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Today I'm on a laptop soooo if you see any mistakes or any dysmorphia in my writing that's why. Anddd I also don't have any emoji's soooo yea. But ttyl bye <3 *peace sign*

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