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Kairi POV:

Me and Mattia have been getting really close, and lately I've developed really strong feelings for him. But of course I'm not gonna tell him, I'm gonna make him beg for me, but I don't know how tho? I need to come up with a plan for him to ask me out, I mean he already did but I wasn't ready. But I know for sure that I'm ready now. I know this might sound really toxic buttttttt, who the fuck cares it'll work out. I hope.

Me and Mattia were cuddling and eating snacks like usual, but today we were binge watching Ginny & Georgia. "Why the fuck is she so rude to her mom, I wish my mom was that cool" Mattia says. "I know right, her mom is hot too" I say making Mattia elbow me. I start laughing "I'm just kidding Tia".

We were laughing and eating snacks until I heard Mattia's phone ding. "Princess get up we gotta go shopping!" Mattia says excitedly. "Why? What's going on" I say curiously. "The Mexican Mafia is hosting a ceremony to celebrate them selling 2 million cartels this year, and we're invited!" he says happily. "Holy shit well let's go!" I say jumping up. Wow I'm about to go to my first Mafia event.

We get in Mattia's car and he starts driving. "So you're friends with the Mexican Mafia?" I ask. "Yeah the leader and I have been friends for a while now" he says focusing on the road. " Who is he?" I says pulling out my vape. "His name is Mariano Castano we're childhood best friends" he says. "Wow and you both ended up being mafia bosses" I say. "Well I didn't plan to be a mafia boss, but ever since Mar was 13 he wanted to be a mafia boss he always wanted to be in control" he says. "Ha same" I say and Mattia gives me a stern look. "I mean I don't wanna be a mafia boss I uh yeah no" I say stuttering.

We walk into the extremely fancy store. The store had beautiful dresses and suits. "Woah look at theses dresses!" I say fascinated by the clothes. "We have to match and wear the color of our mafia" he says. "What's the color of our mafia?" I ask. "Black" he says. "Alright imma go find a dress" I say. "Okay meet at the register when your done kai" he says. I nod my head and run off.

I call Alvaro, because this is a big moment and picking a dress is never a one person job.

Alvaro: Hi Kairi, I just wanna say sorry for what happened with Cynthia
Kairi: Don't worry about it, help me pick out a dress
Alvaro: why? Where are you going?
Kairi: Me and Mattia are going to a ceremony that's being hosted by the Mexican Mafia
Alvaro: holy shit okay what about that one!
Kairi: Hell yeah! I like that one imma get it
Alvaro: okay have fun bye!
-Alvaro hangs up-

The dress

I ran to the register and saw Mattia holding an all black suit

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I ran to the register and saw Mattia holding an all black suit. "Do you like the dress?" I ask Mattia. "Holy fuck, that's gonna look great on you!" he says with a smile. "It might be a little pricey though" I say. "I don't give a fuck a few hundred dollars won't kill me" he says giving the lady the clothes. "Your total is $1,516" the lady says. "No Mattia that's way to much you sure you don't want me to pick a different dress" I say concerned. "Kai I'm rich, it's okay" he says reassuring me. We grab the bag and walk out of the store.
The suit

"Okay so we're gonna go to the store to get you a pair of heels" he says

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"Okay so we're gonna go to the store to get you a pair of heels" he says. "But that's gonna cost even more money" I say. "It's okay Kai like I said before I'm rich $2000 isn't gonna hurt me when I make over 500million a year" he says. "Wow that's a lot!" I say.

We walk into the shoe store. "Alright you can find a pair of heels but I'm gonna come with you this time since I'm not getting anything" he says. "Why aren't you buying anything?" I ask. "Because I have a whole bunch of shoes I can wear with this suit" he says.

We walk into the heel section and I once again call Alvaro.

Alvaro: hello
Kairi: pick a pair of heels that will look good with my dress
Alvaro: okay, hi Mattia!
Mattia: hi Alvaro
Alvaro: alright how about those on the bottom
Kairi: those are nice I'll get those!
Alvaro: okay bye have fun once again!
Kairi: bye!
-Alvaro hangs up-

I take the heels to the register and the lady rings it up. "Okay your total is $490" the lady says. Mattia swipes his card then I grab the bag. We walk out of the store with smiles. "Thank you so much Mattia you really didn't have to do all of this" I say with a smile. "I know but I wanted too" he says smiling.

We get in the car and Mattia starts driving. "So how old is Mariano?" I ask curiously. "He is 20" Mattia says. "You guys are pretty young to be mafia bosses" I say. "Yeah we get that a lot" he says. "I'm pretty sure of it" I say making Mattia chuckle. "Oh I forgot to tell you that we have to be at the ceremony by 6:00" he says. "Well what time is it now" I ask. "It's 1:00 so we have 5 hours to get ready" he says. "Alright that should be enough time" I say.
Hi welcome back! Soon I will do another character introduction to introduce new characters. But in the next chapter they will get ready and go to the ceremony so the next chapter might be a tad bit longer. If you guys didn't like the dress or the suit then you can choose a different one to imagine those are just ones that I like, but you can always imagine something different. Thank you guys for 100 reads🥳🎉 but bye talk to y'all tomorrow✌🏼

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