Vacation Planning (short chapter)

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Mattia and I were downstairs in the tv room. I was teaching him how to play Fortnite. "This is bullshit!, we need to update the wifi box!" Mattia says getting upset. "I've been trying to tell you that, but you always say no, and that our wifi is good enough" I say frowning. "Well now I believe you, damn this game sucks" Mattia says turning off the game. "I'm so bored, can we please do something other than playing this stupid game!" Mattia says. "Yeah!, can you drive me to Wisconsin?" I ask. "Why do pick the most random shit, I was thinking more like getting ice cream, or the park, or maybe watching a movie?" Mattia says.

"All of that is kinda boring, I want to do something fun!" I say. "Fine let's take a vacation" Mattia suggests. "Oooo yeah!" I say getting excited. "Wanna go to Paris?, we can sign you up for school before we leave and you can start when we get back" Mattia asks. "Hell yeah let's do it!" I say running to the closet and pulling out a suit case. "Let's go sign me up for school right now!" I say. "Okay so you can start school next month, but we can sign you up today, sounds good?" Mattia asks. "Yep!" I say picking out clothes.

"Get up let's go, it's already 1:00" Mattia says. "Alright let's go!" I say happily.


Hello my lovelies <3 welcome back, I hope y'all enjoyed this extremely short chapter. I am also about to release another book and a one shot book soon so yep. I have a lot of stuff to do so imma get some sleep, but ttyl bye <3 *peace sign*

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