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heyyy, hope you like ittttt, did it half asleep 😂😅 

it was a normal day for peter, hanging out with the Avengers while aunt may said she wanted to go out with her friends, like a girl's night out, cause you know she deserves it for working so hard and all. it was great after having done all of his assignments and test, it was finally his time to be free

and also he was now the son of stark strange, once those 2 got married like a year ago after dating for 3, obviously, aunt may was delighted and signed the papers

but with his parker luck that'll never last.

he was playing Mario cart with clint, he was winning and everyone started to cheer for him when suddenly everything came to a slow stop

he froze midway, and he stayed that way for a good long minute. after clint won only did everyone realize that something wasn't right with their little spider

"Pete? kid? you alright?" tony's voice was muffled, all he knew was that his spider-sense was warning him about something but he couldn't quite say why or where

it was hard when it was blaring in every direction telling him to go, but where is he supposed to go?

"peter?" this time clint called him as he was sitting right beside him "you ok?"

he made everyone even more confused by standing up and backing away from the tv and them

"peter what's wrong?" Loki knew that face all so well "what do you mean what's wrong? peter?" strange was also beyond confused

peter stopped, dreading the place he felt his senses blaring him to go to "no" his voice a whisper

"peter no what-"

steve was cut short when peter started muttering no over and over again

"no no no no no no Harley, Friday! open up a window for me!" he yelled and before anyone could stop him he was out, swinging as fast as he could while pulling on his mask

everyone was quick to suit up to chase after him "Friday! track him, don't lose him!" 

"tracking him sir,.......his destination seems unclear"

tony cursed under his breath, thoughts flooding his mind, scenarios of what could happen if he doesn't reach his son in time

"wait until he reaches where he needs to go, once Friday pulls up his location, I can open a portal for us" strange said before looking into tony's eyes

"But what if--" tony was cut off by his husband

"we'll find our son safe and sound, don't worry tone's" tony swallowed hard before wordlessly nodding his head, panic rising with each passing second


Peter was swinging as fast as he could, panic rising in his chest with each passing second. when he found out where it took him, his panic rose even more

he slowly got down onto the roof of his house, silent as he possibly can. he crawled and crawled and crawled until he heard a voice that wasn't meant to be in his house

he crept up a little more all the way to his room to see Harley hiding under the bed, it broke his heart to see him this way. he vowed to himself to never see that terrifying look in his boyfriend's eyes ever again

he's gonna protect him till his last breath, he silently crawled into the living room, in hopes of catching the guy before he finds Harley

but the thing he never thought of was an orange ring forming in front of him with his family stepping out and when he saw his dad about to speak he went over and placed a hand onto tony's mouth with wide eyes

peter parker/spiderman Oneshot (request open)Where stories live. Discover now