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here you gooo heirs_of_darkness

"god im gonna kill you. stark! come get your child!" 

"peter! keep doing what your doing!" peter grinned in return right at sam's face causing the falcon to groan "go do something else! don't you got something to do?!" 

Peter paused a second, staring at Sam like he's an idiot "if I did would I be annoying you"

he stared at peter for a long second before throwing his head back

taking in a deep breath he-


Tony chuckled as he walked into the room to see the chaos, sam's book was thrown somewhere in the room as peter clung to him like a koala with a marker pen in his hand

"I should have gone with them on the mission" tony huffed a laugh as he walked towards them

"come on Pete, get up" peter whined as he was finally pulled off sam and sam?

he bolted out of the room the second he got the chance, abandoning his book in the process. they both bursted out laughing at him "what's so funny there boys?"

peter's eyes lit up "mom!" pepper chuckled as he gave her a hug "Hey hun, what did you do?" he stared at her with fake confusion

"nothing" she looked at tony "you have to watch the footage pep, I swear you'll love it" peter rolled his eyes at tony's way to put it

"Peter didn't you say Harley was back in Tennessee for a few months?" pepper asked out of the blue causing him to look at her in confusion along with her husband "yeah...why..?"

she rolled her eyes "why don't you go visit him?" tony stared at her "why?"

"well unless you want him to tear the tower down with his boredom" she stated as a matter of factly, and tony's eyes widened in a reminder of what happened the last time Peter was bored

"Actually that is a good idea" tony agreed as he looked at Peter "you're agreeing" peter deadpanned

tony sputtered "what. why yes, why?" peter squinted his eyes at him "fine by me, but I can't swing all the way there" 

"who said you're swinging, use one of tony's suits" he did not give tony a chance to comprehend what was said as he bolted to tony's lab "wait! what!? don't touch my babies!" but peter was long gone and in one of tony's precious suits

it took peter 3 hours to reach the school Harley's in and he knew for a fact that he wouldn't have had arms if he swung all the way, shuddering at the thought and still in the air peter dove into an open window and landed straight into the cafeteria 

without knowing


"Harley!" he rolled his eyes in response "what dickheads" 

"How the fuck did you- you know what never mind, did you manage to get the last info on that math equation?"

Harley sighed "yes well unlike you I pay attention" giving them a sweet mocking smile he entered the cafeteria

"I hate you" the twins muttered at the same time causing Harley to huff a laugh as they went to their usual spot

"glad you could join us boys" a grinning matt called out from their seat "yeah yeah" Liam muttered from beside him, Harley basically did a loki eye roll and is about to claim that he doesn't know them anytime now

"Harley! why don't you get a girl yet? I heard a lot of them like you" he's about to see his brain with the number of times he rolls them after seeing their eager faces "I already-"

"yeah yeah that you have a boyfriend, at least the internship is believable so when are you gonna stop lying to stay single man?" Harley in turn slammed his fist on the table making them jump


"one more word and ill-" he was cut off by surprise at the sound of repulsors flying in through the window

turning around he was not that surprised at seeing tony's suits thinking the old man was up to something stupid again

"is that iron man?!" at that yell the suit was slowly lowered onto the ground and opened up to reveal brown fluffy curls along with doe eyes that searched the room before landing on a very shocked Harley whose mouth was hung open

"har har!" breaking out of his surprise he sprinted to peter who had opened arms and lifted his giggling boyfriend off the ground and in a spin

forgetting that the entire school is watching Harley proceeded to gently set peter on the ground and pull him in for a good long kiss

as they pull away Harley mumbled against his lips "what are you doing here Darlin?" peter slowly wrapped his arms around his lovely boyfriend, blushing "I was bored, so mom said I could come visit you in tony's suit, so I took the chance and flew as fast as I can"

Harley chuckled in response and snuggled his face into peters neck and that is when the spider took in the sight of where he's landed "they're staring" Harley hummed and lifted his face to take in the sight

"that's what happens when you land in the cafeteria love" he proceeded to laugh at Peter's red face and lifted him off the ground once again as he walked back to his table with peters legs wrapped around his waist "hey Jarvis! take the suit outside for a bit will ya?"

"of course, Mr keener, and a message from Mr stark 'keener better not do anything stupid and send my son home in one piece!'" Harley huffed a laugh "Jarvis tell him this"


he smirked "in your face old man!" peter chuckled from Harley's chest as he sat them both down with peter on his lap, with his message recorded Jarvis flew back out the window

Harley kissed peter's head, signaling the doe eye to look up and peter did just that, and all Harley did was stare at his face with lovey-dovey eyes forgetting his friends in the process

"I missed you love" Harley all but groaned as he snuggled into peters curls causing peter to let out a breath chuckle 

"you were only gone for a week harls" peter laughed as Harley looked at him with dead eyes "too longggg" he dragged out, snuggling into peters chest once more as he finally sat straight

peter threaded his fingers through Harley's soft curls making him groan as he relaxed against peters chest

no one in the room could take their eyes off of the two, mostly peter, millions of questions ran through their head as they silently stared at the couple

mostly at our spider

but someone had to ruin their moment

by clearing their god damned throat

Harley groaned once again, not moving from his current position "what"

"what the fuck" that was all he got so Harley finally looked up to see the mess they've made "this is my boyfriend, peter stark. mine" it almost sounded like a growl as he looked towards the girls that were starting to stare at his baby spider openly

they immediately went back to what they were doing, pretend like that never happened

"so he's real?" the twins asked in wonder at the same time, Harley rolled his eyes at what they said "I've already told you guys like a million times"

"w-well with the descriptions you gave us we didn't really know-"

"If he was real?" Harley cut him off with a smirk, finally knowing why they didn't believe him, they looked utterly embarrassed 

"wait did you say stark"




"oh shit- sorry darlin" 

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