finally free

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in this nat is alive and so is tony, contains S.H and maybe nwh spoilers

the team is sat in the meeting room that is built in the stark tower, wondering why fury would call them in here at this hour in the morning

half of them were grumbling about the situation while the other half was trying not to sleep

they found out that Tony hadn't passed after snapping his fingers, he went into a coma for a good 5 months, needing to give his body time to heal while the team found out 3 weeks ago

"I still can't believe you're fucking alive" clint stuttered out as he stared at tony's face, annoying the life out of him

tony groaned "I'm. alive! AS YOU CAN SEE!" he huffed out making the rest chuckle, glad that their family was back together

nat was brought back to life after returning the stones, she came back with steve looking as healthy as ever

"Why are we here anyway? and where's the pirate" tony chuckled at bucky, knowing exactly where the nickname came from

steve groaned "really buck?" he just grinned in return making steve roll his eyes at his best friend

they all engaged themselves in a conversation, catching up with things after finally being whole again...after such a long time

it was at least another 30 minutes later did fury enter the room "great to see ya pirate" Tony grinned at him

fury rolled his eyes, silently enjoying starks presence and his name callings 

"can't say the same stark" tony faked a hurtful gasp "you wound me nick"

fury just shook his head, amused by the situation

"we're not gonna have to fight any purple grape fruit shitheads again right?" sam asked after everything got quiet

"certainly not, this meeting is something...different" voice not its usual calmness, clearly something was bothering him

everyone openly sighed in relief, giving each other concern glances at fury's tone 

"then why are we here?" bruce asked, rather confused as everyone in the room

"it's about spiderman" fury sighed, everyone's brows furrowed at the mention of the neighborhoods hero

"what about him?" nat asked, playing with her knife "well he hasn't really been the same since a few months ago, and since we don't know his identity-"

"your worried he might go rogue" bucky cut him off, understanding instantly what was happening

"exactly" he sighed once more

"you want us to catch him or something?" steve asked as the room went silent

"not really captain, I've called him to come in so that you can see him for yourselves, see it as a....harmless interrogation" fury explained as everyone nodded

"alright..when is he gonna get here?" tony asked, fiddling with his stark pad and third cup of coffee

"he should be here soon" fury stated and took a seat at the front and right on time did spiderman enter the room and everyone knew what the problem was

he no longer looked to be the neighborhoods friendly spiderman but looked rather dark, the dark vibe just radiated off him so bad

he wore a dark hoodie along with some shorts, with the spiderman mask of course

he scanned the room and stopped at tony, his mask eyes going wide for a bit "I know I know, I'm alive!..surprise!"

but to their surprise, he didn't move, lifting a shaky hand up to his mask

peter parker/spiderman Oneshot (request open)Where stories live. Discover now