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Peter misses his family. 

very very much. 

he got into MIT and decided to live there with his friends and boyfriend as they all got to study at the same place but it doesn't feel the same without the constant bickering with the team and the cuddles he used to have with his baby sister morgan

tony didn't agree in letting him stay this far as well but, reluctantly, he did. they did constant video calling's here and there but it will never be the same as it does when they speak face to face

and right about now peter was walking into the assembly hall with ned, mj, and Harley for a surprise speech that someone was going to give them, no one knows who it is or where their from so yeah, peter was very curious about who it could be

"I really don't wanna go into that hall and get stuck there for god knows how long" Harley whined as he hugged peter close to him by holding him by his waist making peter blush no matter how many times Harley has done this

especially in public

mj did her iconic eye roll at them both with ned at the same time as he's practiced that with how long they've lived together at peter's reaction "god you two are shameless"

Peter became an even more flustered mess "am not! he is!" he whined, pointing an accusing finger at his boyfriend 

"oh come on darlin~" Harley purred and kissed peter's nose making him chuckle "see? shameless" mj muttered one more to ned making him snicker. peter just huffed making mj smile knowing that she's won

"wonder who it could be?" ned wondered out loud with a finger on his chin as they all sat down in the middle close to the front, peter chuckled "wow you look very thoughtful there ned" full-on giggling now when ned did something stupid in return, Harley just smiled lovingly at his boyfriend and practically everyone could see the heart eyes like an emoji on his face

"alright quiet down please!" the place went dead silent as they heard their principles request, giving him their full attention

"thank you, now as you all know. we have a very special guest here today, so behave kids and hear what he has to say" he turned and nodded to the hidden part of the stage, gesturing for him to take it away

as the person revealed themselves the place still remained silent

most probably cause of shock

but it didn't last that long as the cheering soon started for their hero, iron man.

he flashed them a smile and searched the crowd and as soon as his eyes locked with his kid, his son. he gave him a soft and genuine smile saying 'well talk later. I promise' peter returned the smile almost in tears but held them back for later

Harley gave his hand a squeeze and smirked at the old man making him roll his eyes, everyone turned around to look at who he rolled eyes at but stopped when tony caught their attention again 

"hello there tiny people" he greeted them with his signature smirk "you're all probably wondering why I'm here..." he paused taking in their faces "well!" 

"I'm supposed to give you guys a meaningful speech but we all know I don't do that stuff" he muttered the last part making a couple of them laugh or chuckle, including the teachers

"But let's start now shall we?" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes that peter knew oh so well so he took out his small sketchbook along with a pencil, continuing his little project for his suit and web-shooters

Harley gave his input here and there, helping his mini genius out as much as he could while trying to give a shit about tony's speech since he almost had to hear it all the time when there is an event although now it's a little different since ints for kids

a lot of people that are close to peter and Harley gave them unimpressed glares or just stare at peter alone at times

maybe its because he looks like he's disrespecting their idol not knowing that he lived with said idol

tony didn't give shits about peter doing something else knowing his son was listening nonetheless

tony talked about tons of things that peter already knew about but the people in the room don't know that and because of that reason he continued to receive bad looks which he was trying so hard to ignore and tony noticed the looks his son was receiving

"thank you kiddos and have a great day everybody," he said, flashing them his signature smirk and was about to leave the stage and come down to answer some questions when he was abruptly stopped with what he heard

"who do you think you are huh?! some petty little nerd and you think you're better than THE tony stark?!" a kid yelled and snatched his sketching book from his hands making Harley see red

Harley pulled him in by the collar glaring at him dangerously while the other kid challenged him "the fuck did you say to him?" voice very calm showing peter just how angry he is, peter got up trying to calm his boyfriend down but nothing was working

tony snapping out from his shock ran back to the mic "Harley!" peter snapped his head to his dad, smiling gratefully

Harley still glaring at the boy shoved him back by his shirt, snatching peters book before turning to tony "what old man!?" the teachers all gasped at his choice of words and the principal was going to apologize before stoping with tony's reaction 

"seriously keener? peter!! keep your boyfriend on a leash will ya?!" peter chuckled at them, missing everything's that's happening at this moment

"Petey!!" tony turned around to see his daughter running out and dashing into the open "morgan?!" Peter called out, surprised at hearing his sister's voice ran out of his seat and into the open, crouching down for her to come crashing into his arms

he hugged her close and picked her up, looking towards tony "surprise kiddo, the whole team wanted to come but they won't fit in the car that I brought with me" tony chuckled as he walked down the stage, going to give his son a hug

peter gently handed morgan to Harley before squeezing his father in a bear hug, he snuggled into the crook of his neck "I missed you dad" he muttered out softly causing tony to smile at him "I missed you too kiddo"

"what the fuck!?" everyone yelled at the same time in shock, they were all ignored as peter saw his mother walking towards them

he let go of tony and sprinted to her, tackling her in a warm hug "missed you mom" pepper chuckled

"I missed you too Hunny, how are things?" 

he smiled "it's all going good here" he said as they both walked towards their little family "alright listen up everyone! none of this is to leave this room alright!? peter her is my son and if I hear rumors I will sue, got it?!" tony yelled, making sure everyone got the message and watched as they all frantically nodded their heads making him smirk while peter shook his head amused at the situation 

they all made their way out of the assembly hall to catch up with each other, ned and mj following close by to their room savoring every moment 



hope this was ok heirs_of_darkness thank you for reading!!

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