what...the fuck

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hope you guys like it!! a request by heirs_of_darkness

"I hate your brother even more point break just so you know!" tony yelled into his com as his suit formed around him from being thrown out of his building

thor rolled his eyes "well yes not like it's new or anything" he muttered and continued his search for his beloved brother, nat snorted at his comment

the damage was only beginning, they needed to find Loki to stop this madness before things get out of hand

"anyone having Loki in sight?" steve asked looking around at the damage slowly rising "not really" everyone muttered trying to stay alive

"guy's he's still in the tower looking like he's fighting himself!" tony yelled out, watching and scanning from afar for what's happening

"what in the nine realms do you mean by fighting himself?" thor questioned and took off to the sky to the tower, everything was slowly coming to a stop, confusing the team for a second but then it all started back

it was a weird fight overall, thor got beside tony and watched as Loki looked like he was battling a war with himself

"that's odd" thor muttered to himself, tony snorted "yeah no shit" and followed as thor got closer to the tower, landing rather not gracefully bringing Loki out of his little turmoil

"brother! end this now! it is enough, what are you even trying to do?!" thor all but yelled earning a wince from both tony and Loki

"listen, thor- i-i can't keep control f-for much l-longer" the both of them were very confused "very funny Loki" tony laughed with a smug smirk only to be met with Loki grasping his head in complete pain, trying to keep control a little longer

"brother?" thor called out, completely ignoring tony for his brother's sake "goddamit get out of my head!" he yelled, kneeling on the ground

that's when they saw it, a flash of blue trying to take over his green eyes "brother! what can we do to help!?"

Loki took a deep breath "he sent me for the tesseract, take this, no matter what, don't let me take it back!" he growled in pain and tossed the scepter on the ground, bright blue taking over his eyes once more along with a menacing grin


"you did good hulk" hulk just grunted at nat's words and stepped away, letting banner take control. everyone just watched the god of mischief lay on the ground unconscious from Hulk's brutal hits

"so what your saying is that he was controlled too?" clint asked, clearly not believing

"yup" tony shrugged, popping the p as he typed away in his stark pad "we need to get him out of here if we don't want shield on our tail looking for him" banner informed as he stood at the side

"and I got just the place, the jet's here, let's go" tony informed and took off, thor went and picked Loki bridal style making him groan in pain, thor gently shushed him and took off with Loki still in his arms while the rest walked to it


they sat in silence as Friday flew them, mostly just waiting for Loki to wake up and explain. as if on cue they heard him groan and sit up, grabbing his head and gripping onto his hair

"brother" thor's voice was soft and comforting but that did not calm Loki's heart in the slightest

he jerked his head to his left to see thor sitting there with a gentle smile, he sighed "what happened? where's the tesseract?" his voice hoarse as he questioned,

"so you can kill us?" Loki just glared at clint while he sat there enjoying Loki's pain until he can

but that soon turned into a sigh as he saged into the chair, burying his face into his hands "brother?" thor asked, worry laced in his voice as he glanced at his brother

"nothing" he groaned out hearing his brother voice "where are we even going?" he asked with his eyes closed, exhausted

"your doom" clint replied back with a smug smile, everyone rolled their eyes at their archer

"enough clint." steve warned but he just grumbled and sank into his seat

Loki peaked an eye open at clint's statement, but he didn't even look slightly bothered after being mentally exhausted

"somewhere safe brother" thor sighed, eyes closed as well. Loki opened his other eye at thor's answer to look at him

"S.H.I.E.L.D will be on your tail, so we'll bring you somewhere they don't know and you're going to explain. got it?" tony explained and he just numbly nodded, knowing he can't argue and wanting nothing more than to have a good rest after having his mind taken from him


"Wish I had the kid here" tony mumbled under his breath as he led them to the house that's located in the woods, it was definitely a long walk

"how long more tony?" steve asked seeing his teammates starting to get tired, especially Loki who was starting to lean heavily on thor which was sort of concerning now

Thor was sure he was dreaming, his brother is alive, he sure as hell needed answers once Loki got settled and is well-rested

"we're here" tony breathed out, pausing to look at the house

don't know who's house this is but damn and it also looks like what tony would build or buy

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don't know who's house this is but damn and it also looks like what tony would build or buy

"cool house" nat complimented as she walked past him, but tony was confused

'What is he doing with the whole house covered with curtains'  he thought to himself before walking and catching up with the team that's waiting at the door

he unlocked it with a sensor, voice recognition, and eye scan "very secure" steve commented while tony had a smirk on his face

he opened it and was met with a very, very terrifying sight

everyone stood at the door, not really sure how to react to the scene "what...the fuck" tony said out loud causing the teens who were eating their faces to break apart

one with a flush face while the other had a smug smirk "hey old man" "M-Mr stark.."

"what the fuck am I seeing?" tony asked as he finally walked in, letting the rest in the process

Peter was still sitting on Harley's lap and before he can come up with something Harley beat him to it "my boyfriend on my lap" his voice bored and teasing in a way that just made tony pinch the bridge of his nose

he looked to peter who hung his head in maybe...shame for hiding this from his mentor but tony just sighed

"I don't mind the little relationship you have going on, but stop doing that on my couch" he warned making peter get off of Harley's lap with a huge grin "thanks Mr stark!" he beamed and took in the scene in front of him, Harley chuckled at his boyfriend

"guess a lot happened huh?" he asked while Harley back hugged him unbothered

everyone in the room basically have tons of questions, and tony knew he was in for a very..very....very....long day

"..I'm doomed.."

guess you know who that was~😁

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