captured <2>

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heyyyyy thereeeeee! sorry for such a long wait but here's part two and you might hate me but i hope that this was gooood, love y'all!!!

ned and mj rushed back as fast as they could, grabbed their bags that had the same books from 3 months ago, and ran to midtown to be as casual as they could

as soon as the students spotted them they started murmuring the rumors that they'd heard and it was certainly unpleasant, as far as they can remember they had the same class together on this day so they did what they could and followed him to the class

he walked like a robot and they were immediately reminded of bucky, who still currently walked like that

they froze the second they heard flash yell his name, praying to god that that kid doesn't do anything stupid.

like he always did.

"yo parker!" but peter just kept walking, ignoring anything and everyone in his way.

ned and mj immediately ran to flash and grabbed onto him "the fuck do you losers want? and what's wrong with parker over there....walking like a zombie-"

mj cut him off from continuing "flash. I want to fucking listen close to me, whatever you do. do not and I repeat. do not talk to peter for today, don't ask why understand? just today and you can go back to being a jerk tomorrow"

flash looked blank for a minute "yeah yeah okay whatever, weirdo's" with that he walked away, and they both sighed in relief.

following him back into class only to see him not there "fuck, where did he go?!" ned was panicking at this point

"don't worry, we'll find him" but deep down she was panicking too


"we should have given those 2 an earpiece" tony sighed as he started worrying for those kids along with his

"too late, we'll give them one when we see them" nat mumbled as they all got ready to barge into the school "you sure this is the plan we're going with?"  bruce asked once last time as he was going to wait in the quinjet in case anyone got hurt

"100%" tony gritted, steve looked around and at them, mentally preparing himself for a fight  he's praying would never happen

he would fight anyone than their little peter.

"alright team, let's go and save our peter" with nothing but determination they all walked into the back of the school and shused anyone who saw them and told them to find somewhere safe, nat kept checking the cameras in the school to try and find where peter currently is and thankfully the classes have cameras too

"alright i see ned and mj near us on the left, someone go and give them an earpiece" 

"i"ll go" so tony gave them to wanda as she slowly made her way to them "psst" the both of them jumped out of their skin as they saw wanda standing in the corner hidden from everyone's view 

they slowly made their way to her to not be noticed, upon reaching there they could see the rest of them in certain corners, staying out of view as that hallway was basically empty at this point

mj-"did you guys find him yet?" 

"nat is currently working on it, here. an earpiece for both of you so you can tell us if you spot him and we can let you know what to do, and we'll do the same if we see him. alright? are you guys ok?"

"yeah, for now. we missed him when we had to stop flash from doing something stupid" just as ned explained they heard screams coming from one of the classes "alright, we'll go see if its peter and let you know" wanda nodded and snuck back to the team while they both rushed to the class to see what was happening

and it was something they wished didn't happen "PETER!" mj yelled as ned began explaining what was happening to the team 

"peter's here, and he has a kid in the air with a death grip on his neck"

upon hearing that tony cursed as the team rushed to the class, some of them had a look of relief along with the teacher upon seeing the hero's

"peter. kiddo. put the kid down" 

he slowly turned to them with a cold look on his face that sent them chills, that was not their peter

"who the fuck is peter" he grited out as he squeezed harder on flashes neck "soldier"

that's all it took for peter to drop him, but didn't turn to face bucky, so he said it more aggressively this time "Soldier!" he immediately turned and stood in an obeying form to show his respect 

"name." bucky demanded, seeing this truly broke tony's heart 


he looked bucky dead in the eyes "winter spider" he tilted his head in the most creepiest way possible "and you betrayed us"

"i didn't betray anyone. hydra is bad spider, they'll kill you slowly and painfully when they don't need you"

"i beg to differ" with that a suit formed around him, leaving his metal arm open and tony gasped 

peter didn't waste a second and attacked bucky first, they tried to fight without really harming him but he was stronger and faster, it was hard 

so bucky actually fought him

without holding back

nat noticed the kids terrified along with the teacher "bucky! take the fight outside!"

with that bucky kicked him hard, sending him flying out of the glass window and outside the school

"he's strong. stronger than me. don't hold back!" he ordered them as he ran outside through the now broken window

mj was in tears as ned held her, terrified for their friend.

terrified if they'll ever get him back

the rest of them rushed out of the school while nat and wanda checked on the kids, including flash

they've been fighting him for at least 3 hours without a break

"PETER WE'RE YOUR FAMILY! STOP FIGHTING US!"  clint screached as peter threw punch after punch at him before bucky tackled him to the ground, pinning him there "thanks man" he panted out as he basically collapsed onto the ground

"hail hydra" he grited out as he struggled to get out of his grip after tiring himself out "no hail hydra. hail avengers for fucks sake!" steve snorted at that 

"bruce! you have anything to knock him out?! i cant hold him much longer!"

"be there in a sec" and just as promised bruce appeared with a syringe with something blue, "this should knock him out""

peter struggled harder after seeing it "stop it peter! we're trying to help you" but he just kept fighting 

"expose his neck for me" and bucky along with steve did just that, it helped a lot when wanda used her powers, which were stronger that the 3 of them combined to hold him down

with that bruce successfully pumped it into his neck, immediately he started  to feel drowsy

before he passed out, he said one last thing that gave them hope

"dad?" tony had tears in his eyes, "I'm here kiddo, I'm right here. your safe" with that he was out like a light 

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