spidey teen

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this is a request by heirs_of_darkness

"We can't keep this up!" sam yelled into the coms as they try to stop Ultron, everyone is currently trying their best to fight them off but the stupid ass robots just keep coming, the more they destroy the more that emerges from god knows where

"Yeah, guys we gotta bail and come up with something before they blow our brains!" clint yelled this time, thinking of ways to get the team to safety

tony sent them all a silent message, stating exactly what they are gonna do before they get blown "that could work, let's go team!" steve yelled out to them, making sure everyone ran before him and soon took off into a sprint with them

"Are you sure about this tony!?" nat asked as they border the quinjet that tony managed to get here in time "a hundred, hey spidey you doing good there?" tony asked as soon as the jet took off into a direction none of them knew

"yea...yeah I'm fine" he panted out, receiving suspicious looks, in turn,

he really didn't wanna think about the deep cut on his arm and abdomen, none of the team members knew who was under the mask but tony, and he respected peter's wishes for them to not know

"man that was really something.." Bucky said as he sagged into his seat, finally being able to relax, tony on the other hand couldn't

"fucking stupid" he muttered and as rubbed his face, steve stood up and walked to him, giving him a comforting hug that they knew he needed

"it was an accident tony" he assured him as he broke the hug, tony just sighed aggressively "but I should have thought it through bette--" he didn't get to finish as bruce cut him

"if anything I am to blame too, cause we basically worked on it together" his voice soft, comforting tony's rising panic

"yeah tony, we'll figure it out" nat said, promisingly as she made eye contact with him

he sighed but nodded his head, peter sighed silently in relief knowing that if he went to comfort tony he'll find out the blood that he is losing, not wanting him to feel even worse about the day

he didn't really pay attention to where they were headed, knowing well that tony will bring them somewhere safe, even if that safe house is somewhere he doesn't know at the moment

"where are we headed anyway?" wanda asked, leaning onto Pietro as sleep threatened to overtake her senses "a safe house" his answer was short and simple 

"...we get that...but where though?" rhodey asked, not really knowing whats going on in his best friend's head

"you'll see, we're almost there anyway" Tony said as he checked the distance

peter was slowly starting to doze off, only to be startled awake by clint "yo, spidey! tired already?" his voice a teasing tone, annoying peter immensely, he grunted as an answer getting worried glances

"Hey, you ok?-" 

"we're here guys! come on let's go!" Tony said, not hearing the concern in bruce's voice as he walked out

Peter took a deep breath and got up, trying to make a minimal sound of discomfort as he walked out, but that definitely didn't go unnoticed by the spies and ex-soldier

"he's hiding something" bucky muttered in nats ear "I know, you both, keep an eye on him. ill do the same" they silently agreed and walked up to the very expensive looking house

 ill do the same" they silently agreed and walked up to the very expensive looking house

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peter parker/spiderman Oneshot (request open)Where stories live. Discover now