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hello thereee, hope you like this one!!! request by heirs_of_darkness

tony was panicking, since the fight ended he hasn't stopped pacing about in the hallway of the med bay and the rest of the team is starting to get anxious about his behavior

"tony...tony. tony!" that jerked him to a stop along with turning his whole body to face steve and he just so happened to stop his self-blaming thoughts, steve sighed in relief 

"he's gonna be fine tony, he's survived worse-" tony ut him off, looking rather desperate at this point, something he rarely shows

"that's the thing cap! what hit him wasn't just something normal! his...his senses are dialed up more than yours, he could go deaf with that sound wave!"

tony gripped his hair as he sat down on one of the chairs next to peppers "tony...look at me." peppers gentle and soothing voice lulled his head to look at her with pain-filled eyes

he loved his non-official son more than anything in this world and he knew he would lose his mind if peter had to go through permanent damage for the rest of his life, he can't see peter in pain of losing something that important to him

tony knows how important peter's senses are to him, in all of their missions he's learned so much of the spiderling that he can just read him with one look

she gave him a small smile "even if he does...he will have us. he'll have you by his side. alright? we'll help him honey" he sighed softly before leaning his head on her shoulder, bringing her into a hug that she knew was a clingy one where he needs desperate attention, but the team would never know cause from their view it just looks like a normal comforting hug

just then bruce and doc Cho walked out with not so happy faces that made tony want to jump out of a window

"how is he?" voice so small and desperate to know the opposite of what is about to spill from their mouths 

she sighed "he's...not fine for now, the sound wave temporary damaged his ears so he's..." bruce continued for her "he's gonna be deaf for a while...he's gonna wake up soon tones. he'll need you" his voice was gentle and tony understood why, they know just how much he loves the spider "thanks brucie, hellen" he gave them a nod and rushed in, needing to be there for his son when he wakes up

it wasn't even 20 minuets later that pete's eyes fluttered open and at first, things were fine as tony held onto his hand, trying and failing at soothing his oncoming panic

peter turned to his right and saw tony next to him, he asked him a question blearily and wondered why he wasn't getting a reply so he asked again. no reply so he turned to look at tony to see the man in tears

that's when he realized, it was silent... too silent.

he can't hear his heartbeat, not even tony's. he panicked

"Friday. turn on a hologram projector" as Friday did as told the team pilled into the room, to see tony gently grab peters face into the palm of his hands, peter was still breathing hard as he turned to look at his father figure, immediately breaking down into tears

tony gave him a pained look before pulling his kid onto his lap, hugging him close with his hand repeatedly running trough peters fuffy curls

as peter slowly calmed down enough to think straight tony pulled away, much to peters comfort and glanced at the hologram projector, once peter was looking at it he began to speak

"it's gonna be fine underoos, your gonna be deaf for a little while...not sure how long. but we're here for you kiddo, everything's gonna be fine"

Peter attempted to talk but was afraid to, stuck between wanting to know why but fear holding him down

peter parker/spiderman Oneshot (request open)Where stories live. Discover now