Personal Intern

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a request by heirs_of_darkness

"man im bored" mj looked up from her crisis book "same here loser, loser 2 what ya up to?"

Peter looked up with his tongue sticking out at the side of his mouth, the both of them snickered at him

"see! told you you do that tongue thing!" peter blushed at ned's statement "i-its a habit" peter mumbled causing them to chuckle

"Alright alright, but seriously what are you doing?" ned asked once more as he glanced at the computer laying on his lap, connected to multiple wires and into his suit

peter noticed and tried to think of an excuse but was cut off before he could even get a word out "peter. remember the last time...?" he nervously chuckled

"I uhm..y-yeah?"

"and what do you think you're doing this time?" mj asked closing her book, and they both knew it was going to be peter's end today if he doesn't find a good reason

he gulped, swallowing hard he took off in a sprint 


the team is in stark tower's meeting room going through with fury's debriefing from last weeks mission

"so as always starks clean-up service will be down there helping clear out the dirt and everything, just make sure you make an appearance here and there...helping out" everyone nodded in  acknowledgment taking everything in from before 


"Friday? What's wrong?" tony's worried voice rang through the room, surprising their teammate as this is the first time they've ever seen tony stark feel worried

"s-some-thing...seem'-s t-t-to---I know I'm sorry!" tony looked baffled for a minute, taking in the fact that he hears someone else voice through Friday

"stark." fury's voice went unnoticed by the curious stares in the room as tony pinched the bridge of his nose sighing 

"peter benjamin fucking parker! get your ass back here before I fucking kill you!" half of them snorted at the threat, including tony and fury also hearing a voice laughing in the background

"I'm seriously gonna get grey hairs very soon" Tony muttered as he sighed once more, chuckling in the process. not quite believing that his intern managed to hack into Friday without even knowing

"fri- oh yeah right shit" clint snorted as tony fumbled out his phone. he went to his contacts searching for the number responsible for this mayhem

he put the phone to his ear and waited, they all could hear music from the other side as everything went silent

"I think you should take that" tony snorted "hell yeah he should"

"wait" realization hit bruce like a truck "how old is this kid?" he asked out loud making everyone even more confused "what kid?" steve asked, looking back and forth to tony and bruce

they all went silent when they heard the 'kids' voice again "Im screwed" 

"oh hell yes" tony said out loud, everyone looked at him as rhodey chuckled "go easy on him tones" tony shool his head, rubbing his Tempel "only he can hack into something and not know it, like seriously-" 

"h-hey Mr stark" tony leaned back into his chair "hey kid, whatcha up to?" rhodey gave him a look

"n-noting-really...w-why'd you ask?" tony stared ahead of him for a bit, not really sure on what to say

he narrowed his eyes "peter.." tony heard a sigh form the other side and that sound went straight to his phone from the speakers "wait a second" and he heard the sound again

"why could I hear my voice from your side?" literally oblivious

"well for starters kid, you hacked into Friday and now we can hear all three of your voices in the meeting room, you know what? probably the whole tower" tony knew peter's face was red, rhodey snickered imagining the same thing

"hey killer girl, his face is red right now right" mj knew they could already hear them cause peter let his phone on speaker so she just spoke out loud "yup" popping the p she smiled smugly at peter as he glared at her

"I'm so sorry Mr stark i-i was just doing some upgrade to the-" he cut himself short remembering they all could hear him

tony laughed lightly "it's totally fine Pete I'm not mad, but you gotta show me the coordinates you used for this to happen. and bring that thing over while you're at it, ill help you out"

Tony could feel the grin that spread across his intern's face "thanks Mr stark! I'm on my way!" 

tony chuckled ending the call "you love him" rhodey said, a smug smile on his face. tony just rolled his eyes, but a soft smile still lingered on his face "that I do"

"I'm sorry but what the hell was that?"

you guessed it, our one and only clint barton asked the most wanted to ask question

"that my dear teammates was my intern" Tony said as he got up

"you have an intern? how old is he?" sam asked looking rather curious

Tony opened the door and turned to them, making a dramatic pause "he's 15, and he's my personal intern, hurt him and you guys will feel my repulsors" making sure he glared at everyone he soon left, making rhodey chuckle "I'm warning you guys, he means that"

"I don't think tony's been that protective of anyone" Natasha said out loud in thoughts 

rhodey smiled "if you met the kid, I promise you, you would dot the same" he said as he walked out, leaving them to look at each other, wondering what could be so great and admirable about that kid

and said kid, sure enough, proved them wrong, in about a month or so after meeting peter they went about threatening everyone that dared hurt and became his uncle and aunts

Tony obviously becoming his father figure that he needed all this time

I know this was short but hope you guys liked it

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