"It can't be"

105 5 3

it was a normal day for spiderman, 

saving the city, 

helping elderly people cross the street,

having the avengers chase him-

so yeah, as said it was completely normal by now if it wasn't for the fact that he has a huge wound on his abdomen bleeding heavily, and due to his suit being blood red no one could see that, so the avengers continued on their wild goose chase

"come out spiderman!"

"We just wanna talk!"

after trying to find the vigilant spiderman for at last 5 minutes of losing him they had no luck, he hid well and they've scattered around the area trying to find him

"where the hell is he?" Tony muttered as he scanned the area

"you know I could have had a wonderful night eating ice cream or stealing the blondie gods' pop tarts, but noooo~ I'm stuck here. trying to catch a living, wall-crawling spider human."

"oh shut up, flamingo"

clint just huffed at tony's remark, nat smirked at him "don't even start" clint warned her with his bow

"I didn't say anything" she muttered, trying and failing at finding their target

Peter was hiding in a warehouse that looks just about wrecked, meaning it could collapse at any given moment if made one wrong move, he pressed himself further into the wall, hoping it would just swallow him up and hide him from them forever

he pressed his hands firmly onto his wound, biting his lip hard drawing blood, refraining himself from making any sound that could be picked up by Friday, silent tears made their way down his face at the thought of leaving his family without a word or an explanation

the avengers know peter parker, but they don't know spiderman

they don't know that the person under the mask is indeed someone they love and cherish with their whole heart

a heart that'll break when they find out the truth


"Does anyone see him anywhere?" cap asked over his coms, getting the same response from earlier

he sighed before joining them after seeing them huddled together in a group "fury is gonna have our heads if we don't catch him tonight" clint muttered, looking around, trying to see if they could find the bright red and blue vigilant

"either he's gone, or he's hiding somewhere" nat muttered as well, getting pissed off by the passing second

"I'm gonna do one more round check and scan the area, alright?" without waiting for an answer tony flew high, scanning every inch and waiting for Friday's voice to ring through the coms

"heat signature sensed in the warehouse not far from here boss" a location popped up, showing tony exactly where their little vigilant was hiding, he smirked

"found him, he's not far, let's go"

"how do you even know it's him? I could be anyone" bucky asked, equally annoyed by the situation

"Well then, we're just gonna have to get in there and find out ourselves" he replied before entering the building, trying to make as minimal sound as they possibly could

Peter, on the other hand, had a lot of trouble breathing along with using his senses because of how weak he was getting with every passing minute 

his body was desperately trying to heal, but given the fact that he hasn't been eating or sleeping well is making that process twice as hard

peter parker/spiderman Oneshot (request open)Where stories live. Discover now