Mr stank

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hear ya go my favorite requester   heirs_of_darkness

today is gonna be a wonderful day- "peterrr!!! get ready for school!"

he sighed in bed, he got stabbed last night and managed to hide it after disabling protocol 'BSH' (baby spider hurt)

ned doesn't know

mj doesn't know

Harley doesn't- his thoughts were cut short when he heard his phone ringing

"oh shit" the one person he forgot to make it stop from reaching was his one and only boyfriend, when they set up the protocol tony made ned and mj receive one and since tony doesn't know about Harley's existence in peters life ned thought it be a good idea to set it up into his phone without peter knowing and it did not end well

he answered and slowly brought it to his ear only to have it feel like he was gonna go deaf



"I have been calling you all night worrying over your ass that you were STABBED! and you have been sleeping peacefully?!"

"I'm sorry.." Harley could literally hear his pout through the phone, he sighed "stark knows right?"

the line went dead silent


still nothing


"I know I'm sorry, I didn't wanna bother him over it.....and I was also scared he will take the suite away so I told Friday to disable the protocol, I'm sorry!"

"meet me at school" with that Harley hung up, he felt bad for doing so but he was too busy rushing to get ready to check up on his boyfriend, to whom he knows would not have patched that stab wound up properly

Peter glanced at the time, processing that he is late for a few seconds before his eyes grew wide and he jumped out of bed to get ready

he soon ran out of his room, down the stairs, and into the living room to kiss his dad's goodbye

"see you guys after school!"

"peter! (Stephen) we want you to meet someone later! (tony)"

"Okay!" he yelled out once again and started swinging off in the direction of his school

once he got a tiny bit near, he dropped down in an alleyway and took off in a sprint. he was sweating by the time he reached his locker

"dudeee, your sweating so bad! did you run all the way??" ned was the first to ask after seeing peter's appearance, his hair was a mess from the swinging but he managed to fix his clothes

"I'm guessing you did?" mj asked without looking up from her book, peter was still panting hard so he just nodded his head but shrieked when his ear was pulled by someone

the 2 snickered at him "harls~" peter whined trying to pull his ear out from his death grip, Harley continued to drag him into an empty room

"show me." he all but demanded to which he had the right to do so, so peter lifted his shirt to see a small wound leaking some blood

Peter looked up from his wound to see Harley already standing like a mom staring at him, Harley just sighed, shaking his head he pulled out a mini first aid kit from his bag

he lifted peter and placed him onto the table, Harley lives in the gym to peter at this point

Peter pulled his shirt up and let Harley clean the wound and apply some cream, he hissed at the contact of alcohol on his cut

peter parker/spiderman Oneshot (request open)Where stories live. Discover now