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As I looked at the twin's nursery I couldn't help but smile. Theo had already started to put it together and in the 10 days since I moved in with him I definitely added to it. 

I rubbed my baby bump and felt so happy.

Today marks the halfway mark of my pregnancy. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant. The twins have been kicking up a storm. It's like they know their Dad is out of the country with work and they want him to come home. 

Theo left 3 days ago for Thailand because his family's hotel chain is building a new resort there. He tried not to go because he didn't want to miss the twin's 20-week ultrasound. I assured him that I would reschedule it because I didn't want him to miss it either.

Since he found out about this pregnancy he has been to every appointment, even if it was just to check my weight and blood pressure. I felt so lucky, I know not everyone has someone that will do that. 

My Co-worker and boss Ava said that when she got pregnant her ex left her faster than she could blink. she went to all her appointments alone. She purchased everything she needed for her pregnancy and for the baby. When it was time to deliver that woman drove herself to the hospital and gave birth alone. 

Her parents couldn't make it because their flight was delayed due to a snowstorm. When she texted her ex to see if he wanted to see the baby she found out that he was seeing some new girl and started to deny his own child. So when her parents were able to visit, she hopped on a plane with them to come to Pennsylvania. They watched her daughter so that she could finish college.    

It's been six years since Genieve was born and her biological dad has not shown up once even though Ava sends yearly birthday and Christmas photos to her Ex's parents. They always answer, but their son doesn't. It's heartbreaking to think that someone as wonderful as she had to go through that. 

I intended to be alone with this pregnancy since i decided to use a sperm donor but honestly, if Theo just up and walked away now I  would be crushed. I honestly can't even imagine going through pregnancy alone now that I know what it's like to have the father of my children in my life. 

We still haven't decided what to call what we are. We're not dating but we're together. We aren't dating but we're also not seeing other people. After what happened when I told him about the other embryos I felt more connected to him. That's why when he asked me to move in with him I agreed.

 I still kept my apartment. Robbie's younger brother Joseph graduated from medical school and needed a place to stay since he got an internship at a nearby hospital. He didn't want to stay with Randy because baby number 3, little Grace Kingsly, is due in 6 weeks.

They finally decided on a middle name. They wanted to honor Levi since Savi's middle name is a variation of my name and Josephine was named after Robbie's brother. Since Levi's last name is Kings, they just added a few letters to it. 

I didn't want to charge Joseph rent because lets be real, interns do not make a lot of money. All i asked was that he taker over the water and electricity. So in the last 10 days, he moved in there and Theo had movers move my stuff into his, i guess I should say our, new home. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find Mr. Right and in the craziest way possible I found him. It honestly doesn't seem real. I still find myself pinching the skin on my arms to see if I'm still dreaming. 

When Theo comes back tomorrow I have to tell him just how I feel. I have to let him know that I want there to be an us. No more of us being in this grey area. 

The doorbell to this ridiculously huge apartment was enough to stop me from my continuing my daydream.  

It's almost 8 pm and I was not expecting anyone. My first thought was that maybe Theo came home a day early to surprise me. I ran, well more like waddled to the door. 

When I opened the door I was confused. 

Some random guy who looked like he has seen better days was standing there. 

"Um who are you he asked?" as he readjusted the sleeping toddler in his arms 

"I'm Oliver. and your name is?" I asked confused because why would a man with a kid be ringing the doorbell this late.

"My name is Lewis. Is Theo around?" He asked 

I had half a mind to slam the door on his face. I knew who he was. When I met Theo's parents his mother Patrica told me all about this man. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that he was holding a toddler.

wait......a toddler. 

"He's away on business. What do you need him for?" I asked while trying not to let my mind think about the possibility that this child could very well be Theo's. Lewis knew that Theo would most likely lose his ability to have children. I doubt Theo even knew that this child existed. 

"Listen I know I did some fucked up shit in the past but I need him to take Julian," Lewis said 

"And is this Julian?" I asked 

When I said the toddler's name he had woken up. He turned his head to face me. Just one look and I knew.

He was Theo's son.  

Lewis walked in the front door and put Julian on the sofa, where he promptly went back to sleep.

"I wish I could stay but my boyfriend is taking me on a trip to Greece. My parents are fed up with me and said they can't keep him anymore. I never wanted to have a kid. I wanted a good life and a kid was not part of the plan. Theo was sick and dying so I didn't tell him about the baby. He probably would have forced me to stay home and take care of him or something. Anyways my plane leaves in 3 hours"

Then he looked me up and down. "I'm guessing you're the maid or something. Here's $600 for food and stuff and these are his bags. I already had a lawyer draw up papers so Theo should be getting custody in a few days." 

Lewis handed me a diaper bag and a torn-up suitcase that I assumed held Julian's clothes. He didn't even say goodbye to his son or even looked back at him before he walked out the door. 

I was left stunned. 

How could someone have such little remorse? Theo had a right to know about his son, especially under the circumstances. 

I looked at the sleeping toddler and wanted to cry. He probably didn't even know what was going on. His grandparents didn't want him anymore. His dad abandoned him for a man. He's going to wake up in a new place with people he has never met and will probably be scared out of his mind.

How do I even begin to tell Theo? 

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