Extra (Levi)

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Leviticus Isaiah Kings

Never in all my life did I think that I would ever stand up to my mama and pa.

Growing up, I was always the obedient child out of my 11 total siblings. I did everything they said or wanted.

I was also labeled the "smart" one because of my photographic memory. Sure even with my memory I was advanced in my studies and obtained my second "major" degree by 21. I also have an associate's degree in accounting and a bachelor's in science.

Mama and Pa saw my smarts as a gift from the Lord himself. The church helped nurture that gift by setting up donations to help pay for things that I needed.

I tested out of elementary school and middle school because I was too advanced. By 9, I was in high school, and at 13, I started college. I finished my bachelor's in 3 years and went on to get my master's, which I had by 17. By 20, I already completed my doctorate.

It was during my late college days, when I realized I was different. Mama and Pa always talked to me about settling down with a pretty girl and have children. They said it was how God wanted things to be. That as a thank you to god I should find a girl and bless the world with my children.

But no girl interested me. I never had those feeling that boys were supposed to have towards girls.

When I thought of having children I never imagined a women by my side. I thought about adoption because I couldn't see myself ending up with a woman and having a child with her. The idea is being with a women seemed foreign to me.

The only person that remotely caught my eyes was Mr. Noah Zachariah Hobbs.

He was the youngest Hobbs son. The sparkle in his eyes was nothing I've ever seen before. His laugh made me get a shiver up my spine because it was angelic. The way his soft dainty hand felt on mine.

Now just because I went through all that school didn't mean mean I was soft. I still worked on the farm. I was stacking bales of hay, cleaning up after the horses, riding the tractor and caring for the livestock. I've got callouses, always had a farmers tan, and of course, all that work made me country strong.

I knew he felt the same as me. He would write me love notes and would have them hidden in the science books he would get me, he showed up at the library where I was studying with some food, and a few times, he tried to help me with farm work. The only job I gave him was to sit down and watch me work. I couldn't let my baby exert himself.

I wasn't trying to be dominating toward him, that man had two left feet, and he was always getting hurt while trying to help me.

It broke my heart to see him in pain. He was older than me. I was 21, and he was 25, but I was a foot and a half taller than him and 90 pound heavier.

We had a plan. One where we would run away together, eventually get married, and have a half dozen children.

After we spent our first night together, I knew I was in love. Making love with him was the best feeling I've ever experienced. All those feelings that I was supposed to have with with a woman I had with him.

But the next day, he was gone. There was no note. He was just gone.

I finally found him a month later, living at his Aunt Helen's house.

It turns out Noah's Pa found out about us. He said no son of his would commit that type of sin, so he disowned him. Noah was scared that ny parents would find out so he chose to run.

I wrapped Noah in my arms and we prayed together. We prayed for emotional healing.

I went back home to get my things. I collected my bible, my journal and my scientific notes. Before I could leave my parents cornered me.

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