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I paced back and forth in the waiting room. I just couldn't keep myself calm. The time on the clock felt like it was going by so slowly.

How could I?

The man that I love, the father of my 3 son was being operated on at this very moment.

When Greg ran for me and told me Oliver was bleeding I was not expecting so much blood. His pants were soaked. The accent chair he sat in was soaked.

Oliver was begging me to do something. He was crying because our babies weren't viable yet so how could they even survive. All of us were freaking out thay we had forgotten there was a room with 4 sleeping children.

When Julian saw Oliver in pain and all bloody he started to scream. He was so scared and kept trying to go to Oliver but we had to keep him away because we didn't know what was happening.

I didn't want Julian to see Oliver like that but how could I have protected him from it? He wanted Oliver. Oliver was someone that he loved and felt safe with.

That was also the first time he has called Oliver Daddy. It would have been such a sweet moment had it not been out of fear that he was going to lose Oliver.

Aunt Hana and uncle Greg stayed with the bigger kids. Andy wanted to come but he didn't want to risk exposing the twins to hospital germs so he and Derek also stayed behind to focus on the babies. I called Simon and Elian to tell them about what happened and they asked if they would be allowed to comfort Julian. Of course I had said yes and uncle Greg and Aunt Hana said that they were more than welcome to be at the house.

Robbie, Levi, Ben, my parents and Oliver's parents were also with me in the waiting room. Greg decided to work closely with the operating doctor so that Oliver wasn't alone.

We were all scared and Oliver's parents were in tears. Even though Andy wasn't here he was texting Robbie frequently to ask for updates.

To make matters worse, I guess someone posted a photo of Derek and Greg at the courthouse and the media has been trying to chase that story all day. We were completely unaware of this until the EMTs showed up and they struggled trying to get Oliver in the ambulance and drive away because of the amount of reporters that were camping out front for Aunt Hana's and uncle Greg's building.

All of the latest news articles on social media are just about bunch of people speculating on if Oliver lost the pregnancy.

The love of my live and our unborn children could be dead right now and the fucking tabloids are having a field day trying to get the most accurate details on what happened.

I've been tagged in god knows how many posts that I had to delete my twitter, facebook and instagram apps from my phone. I needed to focus on my family and not these damn fans.

There are several police officers outside of the hospital right now because of crazed fans that are here to show me "support" and news vans asking anyone who exits the hospital if there's an update on Oliver's condition.

That has to be a violation of HIPAA laws.

When Oliver first arrived and was examined he was immediately rushed to surgery.

I was told by another doctor on his case that based on the ultrasound, they concluded that Oliver had experience a partial placenta abruption meaning that there was a section of his placenta that started to detach from the uterus and he was experiencing bleeding. In addition to that his cervix has started to open up.

Endoscopically they were going to try their best to reattach as much of the placenta as possible so that it can restore proper blood flow. They said this was the best approach because the 3 incisions needed would only be about 1 inch long so it would minimize the risk of complications.

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