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I cried as I looked at my sleeping sons. Oliver was having a well deserved nap. He had just given birth to two babies and now his body needed to recover.

I was in awe as I watched him feed our children before finally succumbing to sleep himself.

Our babies still didn't have a name but they already had their own personalities. Baby boy A seemed like he wanted to know what was happening around him and he seems to want to know everyone's business. 

Baby B, My youngest son seems like he's going to be the tough one. He was angry when he got his first bath, he gave me side eye when I tried to kiss Oliver, he practically yelled when the nurse tried to take his temperature to make sure he was regulating his body heat.

Once he realized that Oliver had milk, Baby B only wanted to be held by his other father and it was the only time he didn't seem pissed off.

My babies are absolutely perfect and I can't wait for Julian to meet them. I may have missed this experience with Julian and I may have missed out on the first few years of his life, but the love i feel for these babies and Julian is the same. All 3 of them are my kids and I feel so blessed to have them in my life.

Today could have ended differently. Today I could have lost my life and left Oliver and our children to fend for themselves. I know my parents would have taken cared of all of them but the thought of Oliver not having any legal protection in case the worst happened to me did not sit right with me. 

That's why when the three of them finally went to sleep, I contacted Ben to make sure that my Will was updated to make sure Oliver would be taken cared of and our 3 babies would be set for life. 

I looked over at the bassinets again and Baby Boy B was awake and had the biggest frown on his face. I'm not entire sure how someone so young could be so mad all the time but I love the face he makes. His brother was still passed out and some how managed to get one of his feet put the swaddle.

"Hand him to me please" I heard a now awake Oliver say. 

I looked at him and was in awe of him. He had welcomes 2 perfect babies into the world like it was nothing. His skin seemed to glow and he had this new found change about him. 

I lifted our youngest son who only greeted me with a little huff and I handed him to Oliver. as soon and Baby Boy B was in Oliver's arms, our youngest seemed to instantly relax. His little body seemed completely relax. I watched as Oliver lowered the top of his gown and placed our son within reach. Baby Boy didn't waste a moment and started to eat. 

"I still can't believe they're here" Oliver said happily 

"neither can I." I smiled 

"they need names, we can't keep calling them baby A and B" Oliver smiled 

"what should we name them? we never really talked to much about names" I said 

"I wanted to meet them. Julian looks exactly like a Julian and I wanted our other babies to have named that look like them" Oliver explained 

I laughed because Julian did look like his name. He was a perfect little boy. He was doing better with his speech and he was so happy to have cousins. He loved being around the girls and izzy. He loved seeing all his grandparents and he even told everyone who would listen that he was going to be a big brother. 

As soon as I was about to speak the hospital room door opened and a shy little Julian walked in the room. I knew my parents were going to bring him but I wasn't sure when. His eyes were nervous and he had a paper with some scribbles in his hand

I walked over to Julian and scooped him into my arms. This is a big experience for him. He needed to know that he was still apart of our family. I read how some older siblings can become distant or resentful towards the "new baby" or in this case babies. 

"baby" he whispered in my ear as he looked at his youngest brother feed from Oliver

"come here love bug" Oliver said as he managed to move over in the bed so that Julian can sit next to him. 

Julian was scared but he sat next to Oliver 

"woah" Julian said and he looked at baby B

"This is your youngest brother. You other baby brother is still sleeping" I said and Julians eyes followed to the bassinet near by

"his name?" Julian asked 

" he doesn't have one yet" I said 

"Lip!" Julian declared as he pointed to baby A

Oliver and I laughed. Julian's new favorite book was about a dinosaur named Phillip the Pinacosaurus

He would make us read him that book 2 or 3 times before bed.

"That's a perfect name love bug" Oliver said and Julian puffed out his chest in pride 

"what about this one?" I asked. Julian looked at his youngest brother and whisper 

"why he mad?" he asked 

I laughed and so did Oliver. "yeah he's a bit grumpy" I said   

"be happy baby" Julian said to the baby. 

Baby B let out another huff and ended up closing his eyes for more sleep

"Hmmmmm how about Tyler?" Oliver suggested and we watched as Julian's eyes got bigger. Tyler was the name of another dinosaur in the same book Julian was obsessed with. Tyler the Triceratops

"Like book" he said happily

"Yes baby, they're named after the dinosaurs in your favorite book" Oliver said

"love my babies" Julian said

Just as he said that, Phillip was awake and crying. 

"he loud" Julian said as he covered his ears

Oliver and I laughed and we tried to make more room so that the 5 of us can sit together for the first time as a complete family.

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