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I woke up with tears down my face. My bed was empty but I knew it was because Theo had a last minute conference about about hotel expansion.

I looked at the clock and it was only 2 in the afternoon. I was hoping to sleep the day away so that when I woke up Theo would be home.

I know these tears are irrational but it's the pregnancy hormones.

Julian is having a day with his grandparents. All of them decided to have a huge group thing and decided to take all the children to the zoo.

Of course I agreed because I wanted my son to be able to have fun, I wanted him to have a day where his grandparents and cousins were spending time together and he wasn't stuck home with me because I have to take it easy.

I hated being in bed but my babies needed this from me. They needed me to make sure that I kept them safe.

So if watching bad daytime television and eating bland food that was high in vitamins kept them in my belly then that's what I was going to do.

When I flipped through the channels I groaned in disgust.

Lewis was on some talk show. Of course I had to watch to see what this piece of shit human was saying.

"Now tell us Lewis how do you feel about becoming a parent"

"We'll Ellen it's been a dream of mine of have a baby, I honestly can't believe it finally happened. You know I've been trying for so long to have a child and nothing worked and then when I least expected it, it was always like my wish was granted."

"What an amazing story, I'm sure there are people who will look at you and think that you have it all, b it to be so open about the infertility you faced makes you that much more relatable" Ellen said

"I just want everyone to know that just because I post about how glamorous my life can be, it doesn't mean that I don't struggle either. We're all people and we need to be kind and living towards one another" Lewis said with fake tears spilling from his eyes

The nerve of this man. Is he so delusional that he just makes up these lies and then believes them?

The fire I felt was intense. This man was on live television acting like a fucking saint. He was acting as if he wasn't the same man that abandoned his child twice! And now he's saying down sob story about how he struggled to have a baby.

Tears of anger were steaming down my face. Lewis is so fucking evil. How could a boy a sweet and perfect as Julian come form the womb of the devil himself?

This man hasn't once bothered to even call his parents. Thank goodness for Theo's parents and their kind hearts; otherwise Lewis would have with out a doubt left his own parents rotting in the streets and then would find a way to spin the story and make it seem like he was the true victim.

I hate Lewis down to my freaking core. The man is no good and there's a special place in hell for people like him. He uses people and then when they are of no use to him he doesn't give a damn about them or the trouble he causes them. People like him are cruel and most of the time they are the ones crying and acting like they're the real victims. 

But even with all this hate i feel for him, I'm still grateful for him. He may be scum of the earth but he brought an angel into my life.

Julian is my son. He might not have grown in my womb but that baby is mine. I'll be the one to teach him things and love him. I'll be there to guide him through life and make sure he has everything he needs.

Of course the crowd on the show gave Lewis sympathy. If only they knew what a lying asshole the man was.

There have been so many times that j wanted to expose him, but I could never harm Julian that way.

I felt a slight pain in my side. One of my babies loved to kick on my ribs. But as long as these babies stayed put, they could kick me all they wanted.

When they finally relaxed, I grabbed my phone and did what I was best at doing now, shopping online.

I scrolled through pages and pages of clothes and order all 3 of my kids matching outfits. Julian had also asked for some more toy cars and of course I needed to get my baby all the toy cars he could carry.

And of course that lead me down a rabbit hole to where I order toys and clothes for my Nieces and nephews. And I got a few new born items for Levi and Ben's baby.

They were still keeping things hush hush but I couldn't help it.

Everyone said that I was nesting. That I was listening to my parental instincts that said I need to make sure my babies, and evidently all the kids in my family have things they needed.

It might seem like I still I have time to get things together but truth is I don't, because I'm just a few short weeks I'll be welcoming 2 more babies into my life.

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