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I kept turning over and I couldn't get comfortable. But nothing seemed to help me at all. I kept getting sucked in by this god forsaken mattress. Who ever designed this thing clearly wanted people to suffer. Who in their right mind would want a bed this soft?

I was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks to make sure everything was ok with the twins. Once I got the all clear I was discharged and was told that I would be monitored twice a week to make sure the babies were healthy.

During the time I was in the hospital, Theo decided to renovate our room to include a million pillows, non slip flooring, and a new bed that needed to go back where it came from and safety bars as well as a custom shower bench in the shower.

This stupid bed was too soft and I hate it. I'm keep sinking in the middle of the bed and have to call for someone to help me up if I needed to pee because so couldn't get out on my own.

I honestly think that's why Theo bought it. He wanted to make sure I couldn't get out on my own so I had no choice but to rest and ask for help.

He enlisted the help of his parents and my parents who have been over every day to help us because he's afraid that he can't be in every place at once and insisted that I needed the extra help just in case.

Julian loves the extra attention he's been getting from all the adults that have suddenly become my care covered but my sweet boy has be literally traumatized after he saw me bleeding.

If I'm out of his sight he started to have what I think are panic attacks. He grabs at his skin, he screams for me and then he wets himself.

We contacted the children's hospital t see if we can get a therapist to help him
through that trauma but we were waitlisted.

Thankfully we were able to get him his speech therapist and she comes over the house 3 times a week. Julian loves Susie and she is amazing at helping him learn to communicate with us.

The program he's in is supposed to be for 16 weeks and then he will get reevaluated. If Susie feels he needs more therapy his next set will be 2 times a week for 8 weeks.

But today is not a therapy so Julian is cuddled up against my side in this too soft bed surrounded by these too soft fluffy pillows.

He's dressed in his Superman pjs because he wants to be a superhero for me. In what I could understand he said that superhero's save people and he wanted to make sure I was safe.

He's truly such an amazing little boy and the fact that he saw me hurt broke my heart. Julian is my baby. He may not be of my blood but he is my son.

There's already been speculating as to who his birth father is but thankfully no one in the media has suggested it was Lewis. And speaking of that good for nothing flea bag of a man, he just announced that he is 4 months pregnant with a baby girl. He also eloped in Paris with some film director from the UK and he's being called an inspiration for working parents everywhere.

I nearly lost it. Lewis pretended Julian didn't even exist before pawning him off to his parents and then dropping him off at our house but this new baby is being claimed. Lewis has been quoted that he always wanted to be a parent and that he is going to give his daughter the world. He said how he always wanted a daughter and is so lucky to be blessed with one.

His maternity shoot was shared across all platforms and he has now come up with a line of beauty products for babies. There's lotions, oils, hair creams and powers that are supposed to help a child's skin maintain it's moisture. He even created products for parents who have just given birth so that they can feel better about themselves and heal any stretch marks they got as a result of being pregnant.

Julian has no idea that he's going to have a little sister and to be honest I doubt he'll ever know about her.

Yesterday we received a non disclosure agreement from Lewis' lawyers stating that we could be sued if we told the public that he was the biological father of Julian.

Theo was so mad. He was hurt that Lewis would go this far to deny Julian's existence.

I just don't get how someone can do that? Why does Julian get to be cashed aside but his little sister is trending on social media and she isn't even born yet.

I cried for him but then I reminded myself that this was Lewis' loss. Julian is a bright wonderful boy. Yes he has some delays but he is still a perfect child. He is my child and if Lewis ever thinks he can one day walk back in MY sons life, I will punch him in the face.

I looked back at Julian who was now asleep. His nose was a little red because he has a cold but other than that he's perfect little face is unblemished.

His features are starting to look more and more like Theo and I can't help by smile.

I rubbed my belly and I smiled even more when I felt the twins move. They have 8 more weeks to go before they get to meet all the people who love them.

They are so lucky to be born into a world where they will have more grandparents than they can count, an amazing older brother, a wonder father and lots of uncles and cousins.

My sweet babies have been through so much and they're not even born yet.

Just 8 more weeks.

We just have to make it 8 more weeks.

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