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*this chapter is happening at the same time as the play date in chapter 23*

"This needs to fucking end. I'm sick of this shit and these fucking so called fans calling my kids unwanted and slut shaming Oliver" I yelled as I hit the large table in the law firms conference room.

"I know this sucks but watch you language and tone. Jake is sensitive. Isn't that right bubba chunks" Greg cooed at the baby in his arms

"I thought you were going to the play date with the other kids?" Ben asked

"Well I was but this is taking precedent. And Derek is having his first class today so I had no choice but to bring the baby here too" Greg said

"Aren't you getting too attached to the baby? He's not even yours plus what will people think when they see you with him?" A random third lawyer said

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Greg nearly yelled after handing the baby to my mom who was otherwise sitting quietly in the room

"I just mean a baby would be bad for your image especially one that doesn't look like you" the lawyer said

"You racist fucking prick!" Greg yelled before he punched him in the face. "Ben I want this asshole fired! A baby that doesn't look like me? Excuse me? Is he trying to say that having a baby of color is bad for my image?" Greg yelled

Jake started to cry and nearly wiggled himself out my mothers arms. Greg went over and held him protectively in his arms and gently bounced him.

Security was called and the racist lawyer was removed from the office. I knew I didn't like him so I never bothered to learn his name.

"I thought you were concerned about language" Ben joked

"Sorry not sorry. Jake's just a baby and Derek told me some messed up stuff he dealt with in foster care. You know because he and his sister are black everyone just assumed their parents were junkies who gave them up? It's not right. Hell I had a dinner at the house and he catered it. One of the chair mens wives refused to eat a thing out of concern for her body." Greg said as he paced back and forth.

"That's fucked up" I said

"I had to deal with that stuff growing up. I was too Asian for the white kids but too white to fit in with the Asian kids. People always asked my dad why he married a Chinese women. Meanwhile she's Korean. People always talking about her because they didn't think she spoke English. You know every time I go visit my dad and he introduces me as his son some people act shocked and then when I'm alone they asked me where I was adopted from." Greg said angrily

Growing up we always noticed some people treated him differently but this is the first time he's ever spoken to us about anything

"I remember" my mom said

"What?" I asked

"When Greg the third married Hanako so many people were upset because he went on vacation to Japan and came back with a wife. Those two were meant for each other. They were the definition of love at first sight. It was so beautiful to see how they looked at each other. But not everyone was okay with it. I even lost a few friends because they didn't want to associate with her. Before she had her son we were at Macys. I bought a $600 purse with cash no questions were asked but when she pulled out a $50 bill to buy some baby clothes they pulled her aside and tried to see if the money was fake. Oh I threw a fit. She said it wasn't a big deal but it was. She stopped shopping at that store for a while" mom said

"She never told me that" Greg said

"She just tries to protect you. You know more mom is a quiet women." My mom said

"Yeah she is. She came over to meet Derek and Jake. She gave them her blessing and taught Greg a few traditional Japanese dishes. You know they're planning on having a cooking night. I guess she's going to teach him more and asked if I could come and she said no and told me to play golf with my dad" Greg fake cried

"I know the feeling" I laughed

"I'm sorry you all went through that" Ben said while crying

We looked at him with confusion

"Don't mind me it's just the hormones. Ugh this pregnancy is making me so emotional. I even cried in court yesterday when the apposing counsel said "objection" I cried because they were so idiotic to try and object a video that proved that showed their clients face as he broke into a Jewish bakery. Like that's 100% proof he robbed the bakery and kidnapped their guard dog" Ben said

"Benjamin Bradford Bell! My one and only god son, you're pregnant!" My mother yelled

The yelling causes Jake to cry and Greg handed him to me while he made Jake a bottle of formula.

"Yes Auntie Margarete , I'm pregnant. I'm 9 weeks." Ben said

"This is fabulous! My boys are getting so big! And all these little babies. I need to throw a party. When's the nearest holiday? We need to have all the children over. Do you think Andrew can make it I know he's due any day now maybe if I keep it small just us the families you know. He might feel more comfortable bringing a newborn around. And I'm sure Derek and Hanako would love to help cook for it. Greg you should ask them!" Mom said before taking out her phone and opening the web browser. I was 90% sure she was looking a decor ideas.

"Okay so back to the issue at hand. How are we going to stop the media running these horrible stories?" I said

"We'll you could always hold a press conference. I don't know you and Oliver are together you could say you were dating before this happened and you wanted to have children and when the Intext scandal happened you wanted to make sure it was the correct sample" Greg said

"No wonder you're the doctor, that's pretty smart" Ben said

"Says the lawyer" Greg joked

"What about me?" I asked

"Oh sweetheart you're smart too. I mean Oliver decided to be with you so you obviously did something right to get him to stay" mom laughed

"You're basically saying he's your favorite again mom" I whined

"Oh hush I'm just joking. You know I love you. You're me baby boy." She said while pinching my cheeks

"Mom you're embarrassing me" I whined "but seriously could that work?"

"I think it could work. It might be a small white lie but think of the twins Theo. You don't want them growing up and finding a web article about from god knows what news source saying how they were a mistake forced upon you. Plus your deranged fans will stop attacking him. I saw the go fund me. Those people are monsters" mom whisper

"Great I'll tell the firm we'll have it here in a few hours." Ben said

Before we all exited the room and loud burp erupted and the sounds of laughter radiated off the walls.

Jake had managed to spit up all over the back of Greg's $6,000 suit and he was definitely not ashamed about it

"Oh this is hilarious, let me snap a photo and Send it to Hanako!" My mom said before laughing

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