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It's been 2 weeks since I was told that my only sample was sold off. For the past two weeks I've been waiting for that good for nothing sperm bank to contact my lawyer, who also happens to be Ben, in regards to who bought my sample.

Of course I told my parents about it and both were completely distraught. None of us expected this to happen when we researched that place. It's supposed to be the best in the city. So under the assumption that they were the best, I felt that this was the safest place to put my sample.

Obviously based on the current situation and the lawsuits that are happening, my assumption was wrong.

We all hoped that the person who purchased my sample didn't use it and that I could just buy it back. But with each passing day I was leas and less hopeful of that happening. There could be a baby that is cultivating in someone's womb and I may never get to meet that baby, all because the best speed bank in he city decided that they didn't need to undergo month service checks on their computer system.

With the $1000 a month it cost to store a sample, and with their prices for samples ranging anywhere from $1500 - $3000 a vial depending on popular demand, that they would be more inclined to make sure that their clinics future was better protected.

I try to remain positive. But part of me couldn't help but be worried. What if they did? How would I even begin to explain to the person carrying my child just how messed up this situation?

Although I don't want to judge why people donate, I felt that this was unfair to me. I wasn't some guy who sold his sperm to make a quick buck or a drunken dare. I was sick man who was told he might never have kids and so I stored a sample to ensure my future.

What if the person who bought my sample tries to keep me from my child? I mean wouldn't  blame them. Donations are supposed to be anonymous and no strings attached. Imagine going through the process of wanting a child to Then all of a sudden coming home one day and having a random stranger on your doorstep begging to be apart of my child life.

This situation is fucked up for everyone involved.

Dad said I could fight for custody if I wanted but I couldn't take away someone's kid. Even though the kid would be half of me, It wasn't the carriers fault that the sperm bank messed up. Who knows what they went though that made them decided to use a speed bank.

Maybe they were a lesbian couple that wanted a baby and needed a donor because women can't get each other pregnant. Maybe they were a married couple and the male was sterile so they had to choose a donor to have a baby. Heck maybe they were some single person so was sick of waiting for the right person to come along and decided to embark on parenthood alone.

Maybe we could co parent. I mean it's not ideal but at least I would be on my child life even if it's just on weekends. I just hate the thought that my road to parenthood was compromised because of a facilities incompetence to perform routine service checks.

By some miracle, if the carrier of my child agrees to let me have some Involvement in their life, My child will never have to go without and the same will go for the other parent. What ever they need I'll give them because I can't let my child or the parent of my child suffer either.

When I finally got a phone call from Ben he was a bit quiet on the phone but said that he will be over with Greg.

I contacted my parents and they were also on their way. They are my biggest support system. Even though they had a huge company to run they always made it to my soccer games, they were always home for dinner, they never missed a holiday or a birthday. Other kids complained about absent parents but mine made sure that I knew that I was their priority.

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