1 - A Midnight Trek

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AN: This story has been reuploaded due to my idiot self accidentally deleting the original.


Two joggers found a body in the woods.

Have you ID'd the body yet?

Uhh, not yet Sheriff.

Why not?

The joggers only found half the body sir.

Come again Deputy. Did you say they only found half?


Stiles Stilinski didn't waste any time after listening in on his dad's phone call. He got his stuff and started to drive to his best friend's house, more than eager to get started on the night's adventures. This is the most exciting thing that's happened to him all summer and he could not wait for the night to get better by finding the other half of the body.

The only problem was his best friend, Scott McCall, wasn't answering his calls. Stiles was getting more antsy the longer it took for him to get to the McCall house and his ADHD wasn't helping at all. Reaching into his glove compartment, he grabbed a bottle of Adderall and downed one pill. If he was going on a midnight trek in the woods to look for a dead body, he's gonna need to be extra focused.

When he finally reached Scott's house, he immediately started to climb on the porch roof. He figured that Scott was probably sleeping and since Melissa has told Scott repeatedly to lock the front door so that he would have to knock before coming in, going in through his bedroom window was the only option.

He was anything but graceful as he tried to get on the roof and he made a few noises on his way (probably owing the McCalls a fair amount of his next allowances for roof repair) but at least he made it. He looked inside Scott's room and was surprised to find it empty. He was about to call his name when he heard the front door open. Thinking that his best friend was on his way out, he got off the roof and was about to say something when he was greeted by the sight of Scott McCall holding a...bat?

The two boys screamed in shock and fright neither expecting what was in front of them.

"Stiles what the hell are you doing?" Scott lowered his bat and tried to calm his racing heart

"You weren't answering your phone!" Stiles answered as if it was perfectly understandable, "Why do you have a bat?"

"I thought you were a predator!"

"A pre-" Stiles scoffed, as if he could actually be a predator. If he was a predator, then his prey was a pack of delicious curly fries.

"Look I know it's late but you gotta hear this."

He then told Scott about the phone call his dad got and the search party in the woods because of the body two joggers found. He could feel himself getting excited and flushed at the awesomeness of that news, or it could have something to do with the blood rushing to his head. He was still upside down.

Once he was right side up he told Scott the best part about the dead body. Possible murder victim, woman, in her twenties, and missing half of her body.

"We're going." Stiles declared with a tone of finality knowing that if he didn't, Scott would go back inside and sleep. Definitely not an option.


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