4 - Back in the Woods

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After practice, Scott and Stiles made their way back into the woods to look for Scott's inhaler and have Stiles see the dead body.

"Dude how'd you do that back there?" Scott asked Stiles, "You haven't been practicing have you?"

"I don't know man, it was like – like everything was incredibly focused for me. Like it was all on slow mo or something." It was as close to an actual explanation as Stiles could come up with at that moment and even it wasn't enough.

"Focused? How much Adderall did you take?"

"None!" Stiles exclaimed, flailing his hands in indignation, "Even if I did, I've been taking that stuff for years, don't you think I would have been Captain already if it was the Adderall?"

Stiles tried to ignore the fact that his first instinct was also to blame all this weird stuff on the drug as well. But unless the anti-ADHD medication suddenly gave him an athletic boost, he doubted it was the culprit.

"And that's not the only weird thing that's happened to me." Stiles continued, "I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear, smell things."

"Smell things? Like what?"

Stiles sniffed the air and said, "Like the cherry bubblegum that's at the bottom of your shoe."

Scott frowned but moved to check his right shoe.

"No, your left shoe."

Scott looked at Stiles and when he saw that he was perfectly serious, checked his left shoe. Sure enough, there was pink gum stuck at the bottom of his left shoe. He looked back at Stiles confused and unable to believe that he was right.

"What if it's the bite? Like an infection." Asked Scott trying to get his blush back under control, "Like your body's flooding with adrenaline before it goes into shock or something."

Scott's choice of words pulled a mischievous smile on Stiles' face and he decided to mess with him for a little bit.

"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this." Stiles said, "It's a specific kind of infection."

Scott stopped walking, worried about his friend's health, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, yeah I think it's called Lycanthropy." Stiles was sure that Scott would figure it out at that point, but he should've known better. Scott doesn't even watch sci-fi or supernatural movies.

"What's that? Is that bad?" The look on Scott's face and his obvious worry almost made Stiles laugh right there but he reigned it in, knowing that the best was yet to come.

"Oh yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month."

"Once a month?"

"Mhmm on the night of a full moon."

At Scott's inquisitive look, Stiles howled then laughed after Scott hit him on the chest.

"You're the one who heard a wolf howling."

"Something could be seriously wrong with you." Scott said

"I know! I'm a werewolf!" Stiles was enjoying this way too much, it was just too easy to mess with Scott sometimes.

"Obviously I'm joking." He said, noticing the look of genuine worry on Scott's face.

Scott stopped walking and looked around. He was a bit annoyed by Stiles at the moment. There could be something really wrong with him and here he was making jokes. If Stiles wasn't going to take this seriously then he would, so he decided he was going to ask his mom about Stiles' symptoms when he got home. Maybe she could tell him he was worrying over nothing.

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