19 - Aftermath

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Derek was arrested as soon as he got home. The cops were waiting for him with their handcuffs and probable cause that he didn't even make it inside his house before they were on him. He could have fought back or ran, hell he didn't even have to come back to his house after the Sheriff's phone call, but Stiles convinced him staying and getting arrested was for the best.


"You can't run." Stiles said, "If you do, they'll hunt you down and the whole town will know you're here, including the Hunters."

"So I'm supposed to let them arrest me for my sister's murder?"

"No. You're supposed to go with the cops to the station so they can question you. Right now all they have is that you buried Laura in your backyard, so tell them the truth. She was your sister, you came here looking for her and when you found her body in the woods you decided to give her a proper burial. I'll talk to my dad and get you out I promise."

When the older werewolf frowned and still looked unconvinced, Stiles boldly placed a hand on his shoulder, looked him in the eyes and said, "Trust me."


Much as it irritated him to surrender himself to the police like a common criminal, he knew Stiles had a point. Even though he was pretty sure the hunters already knew he was back, he couldn't risk them looking too closely and finding out about Stiles. He knew all too well that they wouldn't care how old Stiles was or that he hasn't hurt anyone. They would treat him like a murderer the minute they found out about him.

The ride to the police station was a great exercise of patience and self-control for Derek. First of all, there was the scrawny curly haired boy watching from the trees as he got arrested. He knew this was Stiles' friend, the boy who dug up his sister's body and had him arrested for her murder. Then there was the coroner's van driving in front of them carrying Laura's body. His inner wolf was screaming at him to get his sister away from the strangers, to get her back and damn the consequences. He constantly thanked whoever was listening that he managed to get a hold of his wolf enough not to rip their throats out. He just hoped he could keep the same level of control when the interrogations began and they all labelled him as a murderer.


While Derek was off getting arrested, Stiles put his lungs, legs, and newfound werewolf speed to the test. The minute his dad left for the preserve, Stiles jumped out the window and headed for the preserve as well. He knew that if Derek knew what he was doing, the grumpy old sour wolf would rip his head off for risking everything this way. But Stiles just had to do it. He wanted to know exactly what was going on at the Hale house and listen to what the deputies and Scott especially were talking about.

The preserve was about a fifteen-minute drive from his house and he's never run anything close to this distance. Before he was bit, he never would have even considered a run like this knowing that he would be on the verge of death about fifteen minutes into the run.

But now, something else happened. He didn't know if it was the adrenaline or the moon rising in the sky or something else, but it was like the wolf inside him came out for the run. His eyes turned into a blaze of gold, his claws came out, and he instinctively got down on all fours and just kept on running. He could feel the crunch of the leaves and twigs beneath his fingers, see and avoid obstacles without stopping. It was glorious and amazing and... different. Different from the other times he shifted.

Because this time, he didn't feel angry. He felt... glorious.


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