6 - First Line

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All day, Stiles managed to block out the werewolf nonsense and his little stroll through the woods. It was working and he was starting to convince himself that he was just being ridiculous.

After classes, but before lacrosse practice, Stiles went back home because he forgot his lacrosse gear. He was in his room getting changed when he heard his dad come in.

"Up here dad!" He called from his room

Noah went up to his son's room and couldn't help but smile when he saw him in his uniform, "You ready for tryouts?"

Stiles told him that morning that he and Scott both had a decent chance of making first line this season and he couldn't be any prouder. Well, until his boys could win the championship that is.

"Yeah, but I'm gonna be late if I don't leave soon. See you there?"

Noah noticed the hopeful gleam in his son's eyes, he felt terrible that he would have to break it, "I would son but we're swamped at the station. With the dead body in the woods and the missing half, we haven't really got much time to spare."

Stiles was disappointed that his dad wouldn't be there but he reminded himself that it wasn't a real game, so he pushed down his sadness and turned his attention to the second half of what his dad said.

"Find anything yet?"

"You know I can't tell you that."

His dad then remembered something his deputy told him the morning after they went looking for the other half of the dead body.

"Stiles, where were you when we went looking for the dead body?"

"I was sleeping dad. Right here. On my bed." Yeah, Stiles was not a very good liar.

"That right?" Noah knew his son was out there, he was just wondering how long Stiles would play innocent.

"Yup. Where else would I be?"

"I don't know. But my deputy did find this flashlight in the woods and it looked a lot like the one you have."

Stiles had to try extremely hard not to show any outward sign of guilt. He had completely forgotten about his flashlight!

"Well it's not mine dad."

"It had the words S.S. Mischief on the side."

He could have denied it some more, but he couldn't do it. S.S. Mischief was the name he used to put on almost all his things. It reminded him of his mom and his dad knew it.

"You've been listening in on my phone calls again, haven't you?" Noah sighed. This was what he got for having a smart son.

"What? No." At his dad's look Stiles relented and said, "Well not the boring ones."

Noah sighed again, at times like these he wished more than ever that Claudia was here to help him deal with their frustratingly smart son. He was pretty sure though that his wife would just smile at him and tell him it was his turn to be frustrated dealing with Stilinski men.

"What have I told you about eavesdropping?"

"That it doesn't count if it's over the phone?" Stiles winced at the damnably obvious lie. He seriously needed to get better at that if he was going to have any chance of keeping this whole werewolf thing a secret.

"Don't make me take out your phone privileges son." Noah said fully aware that if he did, Stiles would figure out a way to talk to Scott even if it meant using carrier pigeons. "Does Melissa know you and Scott were out there?"

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