10 - Star Wars Club

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The other day with Derek left Stiles with a lot to think about. Not only was he a smaller, skinnier version of the Hulk, but there was another werewolf running around Beacon Hills biting teenagers. Stiles didn't know why the Alpha hadn't come for him as a human. To at least talk to him and convince him to join the Pack. From all the research he's done about werewolves and wolves, he knew that both were stronger with a Pack and that lone wolves were more likely to end up dead. So why didn't the Alpha take him? Was it because of Derek?

The older werewolf didn't tell him anything else about the Alpha after showing him the color of his eyes leaving Stiles to figure it out on his own. And he was determined to do so.

So he got started on his crime board. He printed off everything he could find about Alphas, both wolves and werewolves, and determined which sounded the most realistic. The older and rarer the source, the more likely it was to be true. He found that Alphas were the strongest, fastest, and the best of the wolves. But other than that, he couldn't find anything credible.

He knew the only way to find out anything real was to go to Derek himself. Something he didn't plan to do unless the other werewolf showed him that he trusted Stiles. His father always told him that a police officer's success in the field relied as much on their skills as much as it did on their partners. You had to trust your partner and they had to trust you, because without trust, the possibility of dying only got bigger. So Stiles was determined to stay away from Derek until the grumpy old werewolf learned to trust him. He figured it wouldn't be long before they talked though. He still needed werewolf lessons and Derek admitted that he needed Stiles' help to track down the Alpha.

Even in school he couldn't stop thinking about the Alpha and the million questions surrounding that five letter word that seemed to awaken his werewolf side. He tried not to let his distraction show, especially since he and Scott have started talking again. His plan was to figure out the right balance between his new werewolf life and his regular school-dork-who's-suddenly-a-lacrosse-star routine.

Hopefully, he could manage it.


Step 1 in Stiles' plan to balance his regular life with his werewolf issue is fixing things with Scott. When he first got bit, he considered letting him in on the whole werewolf thing, but now he planned on fixing things with Scott without letting him know that he was now a supernatural creature that could be a danger to everyone in town. Oh and there's a group of werewolf hunters out to kill him.

It shouldn't be too hard, right?

Besides if simple talking failed him, he had a back-up plan. Two words: Movie Night.

And this week's theme is Star Wars. Unlike Stiles, Scott has never seen a single Star Wars movie. He's seen bits of some of them but no matter how many times Stiles urged him to watch the entire series, he just kept weaseling his way out of it. Stiles was hoping that watching at least A New Hope that night would put him back in Scott's good graces as well as get his best friend to finally know the difference between R2D2 and C3PO.

Stiles waited until after their last class of the day before approaching his best friend with the tickets just to make sure they weren't interrupted by the bell or classmates asking if they already started their assignments while subtly (or not so subtly) trying to ask if they could copy their answers. But that isn't to say that Scott and Stiles didn't talk the whole day, of course they did, they just figured out how to talk around the giant pink floating elephant in the room.

"Remember when we used to have weekly movie nights? I think we should start it again tonight and I have the perfect movie." Stiles said while putting his books back in his locker. "We could even watch the original trilogy since we don't have practice today. I could pick you up at the clinic after your shift."

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