11 - Erica

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Stiles got home just as his dad was pulling in the driveway.

"Hey dad."

"Hi son," Noah smiled, "Listen, I just got back from work and I'm free the rest of the night. I know you have practice today, think I can finally see you in action?"

Stiles grinned, excited at his dad cheering him on from the stands even if it was just practice. Then he remembered that practice was cancelled.

"Sorry dad," He winced, "Coach cancelled practice today. More than half the team got stuck in detention with Mr. Harris. Coach practically had a conniption over it but Harris wouldn't budge."

Noah was disappointed but he shrugged it off. He could always wait 'til the big game on Saturday to watch Stiles and for now, he could catch up on some sleep.

Both Stilinski men went inside the house and while Noah shrugged off his Sheriff's jacket and took off his shoes, Stiles ran up to his room and changed his shirt.

"Where are you going? You and Scott aren't up to anything, are you?"

"No dad." Stiles rolled his eyes. "We aren't up to anything. He's at the clinic. I just have to check on someone real quick then I'll be back for dinner."

Stiles told his dad about the incident with the blonde in the parking lot, pleased and stunned to realize that this was the first time since he got bit that he didn't have to lie to his dad.

"Wow, I hope she's okay."

"Me too, that's the errand I have to run. I want to swing by the hospital and make sure she's okay."

"Is this that Lydia girl you're always talking about?"

"Dad, Lydia has strawberry blonde hair and she's not epileptic. This is a different classmate of mine."

"So, are you moving on from Lydia now?"

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Lydia Martin is and always will be my one true love. She just doesn't know it yet."

Noah shook his head, more than familiar with his son's 'devotion' to his classmate. He would never tell him this but Noah didn't think that Stiles really loved this Lydia girl. To him, it just seemed like his son was holding on to a puppy love that should have faded long ago. Maybe being around another girl would help cure Stiles of his Lydia delusions.

Noah watched his son leave for the hospital and prepared himself for one well-deserved nap.


Melissa was the one who greeted Stiles at the hospital, "Hey Stiles. No practice today? Where's Scott?"

"Practice got cancelled today and Scott's out with his new girlfriend."

Stiles winced. He didn't expect how difficult it would be for him to even think about Scott and Allison without feeling...adrift.

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