20 - Interrogations

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For one brief moment that felt like a thousand years, Stiles' room was quiet as the two boys struggled to figure out how to address the events of the past two hours (Has it really been just two hours?).

The uncomfortable silence was broken by Stiles' dad appearing behind Scott.

"How do you feel son?"

Stiles answered, "Hey dad, I'm feeling much better now actually."

"That's good, but remember to take your medicine in a couple of hours okay?"

Stiles just rolled his eyes, "Yes dad, I'll take it."

"Good." Noah said before turning to Scott, "Scott are you gonna stay over?"

"I'm not sure yet Sheriff. Maybe."

"Alright, I gotta head back to the station. I should be back in a few hours."

Noah waited until both boys assured him they would be alright before leaving the house. Jane Doe's body couldn't be examined until the next day because Dooley's body was considered a priority and there was nobody else to do the autopsy on the upper half of Jane Doe's body, but Derek Hale could be interrogated tonight and he intended to be there to get some answers. At the very least he could get the girl's name so he could inform her family of what happened.

As soon as the Sheriff left, Stiles and Scott looked at each other, wondering who would speak first.

"Derek Hale was arrested this afternoon." Scott said after a while.

"Yeah, I heard."

As if on cue, the police scanner in Stiles' room came to life and they heard dispatch say two deputies would be stationed at the Hale house to watch it for the night.

The reminder of the situation at the Hale house seemed to break Scott's silence.

"Stiles, I saw you with him at his house this afternoon. What were you doing there? Did you know he was the killer? Is that why you cut class? To confront him?"

Stiles took a moment before answering, he knew whatever answer he gave Scott this evening would change a lot about their relationship. Should he lie and keep Scott in the dark? Or was this his chance to tell him the truth, after all he was already planning on doing it, right? Scott's role in Derek's arrest shouldn't affect his decision, right?

In his head he was going over every pro and con that came with telling Scott about everything. The con list was long (and unsurprisingly, sounded like Derek). Scott was too close to the Argents, there was no telling how he'd react, Derek might kill him, it wasn't just his secret. There were so many reasons to keep lying to his best friend, but there was one very loud, convincing reason for him to say something. Scott was his best friend, his brother, and Stiles missed him.

"You're right. I did go to Derek's house to confront him about the killer." Stiles said, he decided to tell Scott as much of the truth as possible, just leaving out the supernatural side of things. He'll tell him about the werewolf thing when he was less likely to anger or scare and potentially lose his best friend. And with Derek's arrest still fresh in his mind and his worry about the game in a few hours, he wasn't sure he could keep his emotions in check.

"So you knew it was him." Scott said, "But then why did you leave with him and lie to your dad about it?"

"Because he's not a killer Scott. He's..."

"What?! Stiles we found a severed human body in his backyard. He killed the girl in the woods and buried her in his property like some dog!"

Stiles fought the growl in his throat at Scott's description of Laura. He didn't know her, but hearing Scott compare her to some dog angered him more that he thought it would.

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