28 - Cyclones vs Lancers

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AN: I know, I know, it's been a while. Still trying to balance Shifted with Med, I've even asked one of my friends to help me with this. Oh and bit of a disclaimer, I do not like sports. Like at all. So, please forgive any mistakes I made here during the lacrosse scenes. If there are any lacrosse enthusiasts who have suggestions on how to make the scene better, please let me know :D


Fans cheered and players ran as the lacrosse season was kicked off with the match between the Beacon Hills Cyclone and the Hawthorne Academy Lancers. To the sports enthusiasts in the audience, this match was all the more exciting because of who the teams were. The previous year, the Cyclones had dominated the game under the leadership of Team Captain Jackson Whitmore and Coach Bobby Finstock while the Lancers hovered on the lower end of the spectrum. Normally, a match between the two would be an obvious win for the Cyclones but these weren't normal circumstances. The Cyclones were playing with two very obvious disadvantages: a rookie, asthmatic goalie; and an arrogant, injured team captain. And the Lancers' new coach was determined to use these weaknesses to their advantage.

The Lancers charged forward, taking advantage of the rookie goalie's inexperience. The first shot came with a deceptive fake, followed by a swift pass that left Scott scrambling to defend. The ball sailed past him and into the net, giving the Lancers the first point of the game!

The Lancers crowd erupted in cheers while the Cyclones fans groaned at the loss. Stiles joined in the Cyclones fans' disappointment but one point was hardly the harbinger of doom for the Cyclones. He hoped.

The referee retrieved the ball and play resumed. The Lancers, bolstered by their strong start, made another attempt, this time with a calculated combination of swift passes and deceptive moves. Scott struggled to anticipate their tactics, and the ball found the net again! The Lancers crowd was louder than before. Each cheer and clap from them sent Scott's already low confidence on a steady dive down a deep abyss.

Scott knew he was letting the team down. He was damn lucky to make first line and he was blowing it! But what could he do? He was honestly trying his best but the Lancers kept swarming him and he had no idea where to look or who to block.

On the other end of the field, Team Captain Whitmore was doing all he could to hold on to his fraying temper. Two goals in quick succession within minutes of starting the game was the worst position he's ever been in and that included his first game where he barely caught the ball. And it was all that loser, McCall's fault! Not only was he losing the game for them but Jackson had trained and vouched for him. This was embarrassing! He shook his head, he could throttle the boy later but right now he had to think up a way to salvage the game because there was no way he was starting off the season losing to the Lancers of all people.

Thinking quickly, he looked back at the bench. Immediately, he groaned and remembered why McCall was even on the field. The previous year, most of the team had graduated leaving Jackson, Danny, and a couple of other guys who had first line experience and a couple of the reserves. None of the guys currently on the bench were first line material at all.

There was Rodriguez who was flexing his biceps at the girls behind him. He was big and strong, the school even gave him the nickname "Toro" and he'd be a hell of an asset on the field. But he had one problem, like the animal he was named after, he tackled players without thinking! Stilinski wasn't the first team member he hit because he thought he was in the way. Hell, there was a time during a scrimmage last year when he cost the team a goal because he thought Jackson was in his way. No, with the way the game was going, a loose canon was the last thing they needed.

Lahey was on the bench too but other than his inexperience and self-confidence lower than even McCall's, the shouts Jackson heard from his window the other night most probably meant the other boy was hiding some fresh bruises in that lanky body of his. No, he'd be useless on the field too.

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