30 - Nightfall Negotiations

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As he burst through the trees into the shallow part of the woods, Stiles looked for any sign of either Derek or the Alpha but he couldn't find either. He stopped and tried to find the same connection he did earlier. The red string of anger that led to the woods. To the Alpha.

He closed his eyes. Just do what Derek taught him.

As Stiles focused on his memories of the stands, the anger, and the red string, he tried to summon up the same pull he felt before. The one that let him know the Alpha was mere feet away from them. He tried and tried but nothing happened. It kept slipping away from him like when he would take an exam and come across a question that he just knew the answer to. He knew the topic and could name which page in the book and his notes he could find it. He could even recall the bubblegum flavor he was eating at the time he read it, but for some reason, that last spark wouldn't come and he couldn't remember.

Frustrated, Stiles opened his eyes and slammed his fist into the trunk of the nearest tree. An action he soon regretted as pain shot through his arm.

"Holy hell!" He cursed, cradling his now injured arm.

With no other option, Stiles picked a random direction and continued his search for Derek. He could already feel his hand healing so that was a good thing. He kept walking, wondering if he should just give up and just visit Derek at the Hale house tomorrow. He couldn't very well look all night, not with his dad and Tara and the twins waiting for him at the game.

Ten minutes. He'd give it ten more minutes and then he'd make his way back. That should be fine, right? Surely if Derek was getting his ass kicked by the Alpha he'd hear something by now.

Just as he thought that, he heard angry sounds up ahead. Growls and the sound of flesh slamming into wood as he had just discovered moments earlier.

Stiles ran at the sound, hoping he wasn't too late and could do something to help his mentor... his friend.


Pride and just a little bit of disappointment filled Noah as he watched the celebration around him. He was more than proud of the team for winning and even more for Scott and his stunning performance. The only dark spot was that Stiles couldn't share in the same victory.

For as long as he could remember, he had imagined the boys winning their first lacrosse game together. No matter, how old they were or even if the game was official, he had imagined they would do it together. Like brothers.

Still, it couldn't be helped and there was always the next game.

His arms were around Scott, congratulating the boy and expressing just how proud he was. He looked around, trying to find Stiles through the chaos but couldn't. Noah frowned but then he remembered Stiles' leg. Yeah, that leg would be in worse condition if Stiles tried to push his way through the masses.

"Come on, Scott." Noah said, "Let's go celebrate!"

Melissa cheered from Scott's other side, "Yes! I've got everything I need for a small celebratory dinner at home."

Scott blushed, "That's great but Jackson said his parents were gathering everyone for a victory party at his house tonight."

"Don't worry, Scott." Noah said, "I already talked to the Whitmores and the victory party was moved to tomorrow so you can all celebrate longer."

The Sheriff tried not to let any unpleasantness color his voice. The discussion with the Whitmores was a fight and a half. Not only were they rich, powerful, and entitled but they also had the backing of Mayor Ratliff who showed up for the game.

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