23 - Meet the Argents

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Since the first time she met Scott, Allison knew he was someone special. He wasn't the first boy to show any interest in her. Over the years and the many schools she's been in, other boys have asked her out and even though she liked some of them, she stuck to her no-boyfriend rule and gently let them down. What was the point in dating if she would just be moving after a few months?

But Scott... Scott was different. He made her feel different.

He made her feel like one of those lovesick girls at her previous schools. The ones who practically went beet red when their crush walked by or talked to them. When he gave her that timid little smile of his, she'd start to wonder if being in love was worth it even if it was only for a little while. Maybe it didn't matter how long she got to spend with him before she moved again as long as she had plenty of good memories to take with her. And who knows, maybe she could convince her parents to stay in Beacon until she finished high school.

For once in her life she didn't worry about the future, all she thought about was the present and the cute boy in English class. So, she was beyond over the moon thrilled when he asked her out at the Vet clinic. Their first date at Lydia's party only strengthened her affections further and she's even started imagining what it would be like if she introduced him to her family.

Her father hitting him with his car was not at all what she had imagined.

"Dad! Oh my god! Are you trying to kill him?"

Allison yelled, pulling open her car door and jumping out before her parents could say anything. In an instant, she was crouched by her fallen boyfriend's side.

"Scott?" She said, "Are you okay?"

Scott groaned, "I'm fine. A bit sore but I swear I'm fine."

Allison smiled and as usual Scott's heart felt just a little bit lighter. In fact, he could almost completely ignore the pain in his abdomen if he just focused on her smile. Though he did tense up a bit when Allison started checking him for injuries.

Chris was right behind Allison.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you." He said, helping the boy sit up. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm alright sir. Sorry I hit your car."

"What's your name?" Chris asked, "I should call your parents."

Scott winced, "Oh uhh Scott sir. Scott McCall and you don't need to call my mom. I swear I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes sir." Scott said.

As Allison talked to Scott some more, Chris faced a battle inside of him. One part of him, the father, wanted to get his little girl as far away from this boy and all boys. But the other part of him, the hunter part, remembered Allison mentioning that Scott McCall worked at the animal clinic. The same animal clinic manned by the veterinarian he remembered being particularly close to the Hales. The hunter part of him wanted to bring the boy inside and ask him as many questions about the good doctor.

Not sure which side he wanted to listen to, he turned to his wife only to find her already looking back at him. The hard look on her face told Chris all he needed to know.

"Chris," Victoria called, "Why don't you help Scott into the house so we can take care of his injuries."

"It's okay Mrs. Argent. I'm fine really." Scott protested.

Victoria smiled, "I insist Scott. Allison, come help me with the groceries."

Allison smiled at Scott once more and did as her mother asked. The women grabbed a bag each and disappeared through the massive house's front door and closed it behind them.

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