16 - Digging for Answers (Part 1)

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Stiles' temporary peace ended on Friday. He was by the drinking fountain when he saw his father talking to Principal Thomas. Curious, he tilted his head and focused his hearing on the two men.

"I want everyone under the age of 18 to be in their home by 9:30 pm." His father said looking more grim and official than Stiles has ever seen him, "We'd like to institute the curfew effective immediately."

Suddenly, he remembered the thing that started this whole mess. In the chaos of adjusting to his new life he completely forgot about the dead body and more importantly who killed her.

Before he got bit, all he wanted was to find the body and possibly help his dad in catching the killer. He thought that the killer might have been a psycho or maybe a group of psychos. After all, the woman wasn't just murdered, she was cut in half. It didn't take a genius to figure out that it would take more than just your average human's strength to do that without the use of power tools.

But that was before he knew of the things that really went on in that preserve. Before he knew that the myths he read about for fun weren't just myths but actual truths. Before he realized just how strong even a newly bit werewolf was.

It wasn't too farfetched to think that the Alpha could have killed her even though he couldn't think of a reason why. Maybe he tried turning the girl and things got out of hand and he killed her instead? Except, if he did, he didn't see the point in him cutting her in half. What was the point of that? Was he simply out of control? Or was there something else going on that he couldn't figure out because he didn't have all the pieces?

Stiles spent his next class, Econ, thinking about the girl and his theory that the Alpha killed her. He felt that he owed it to the girl. He didn't think it was right that she was killed in such a gruesome way and she couldn't even be laid to rest because half her body was still missing.

"...something that entrepreneurs use to get the public to notice them?"

Maybe he should go back to the woods after school to look for the body again. He could even bring Scott with him, it could be the perfect chance for him to tell his best friend about everything he's been keeping hidden. With his enhanced sense of smell, he should have a better chance of finding the body now.


"That's right. Thank you Danny."

If he found the other half of the body, it would be easier for his dad to identify her and maybe it would help Stiles figure out what the Alpha wanted with her. Why not just kill her? Why the need to cut her body in half and leave one half of it next to a known trail that joggers use?

What was the point?

"By using pictures or infomercials, the public starts to notice the entrepreneur and the business." Coach explained, "Pretty soon they're flocking the stores trying to get their hands on the products."

Stiles tensed and frowned as he turned his attention to Coach's lecture. What did he just say?

With a new theory forming in his hyperactive mind, Stiles raised his hand.

"Coach so you're saying that a simple ad could get people to come from all over the world just to get to the source?"

"Nice to know you were actually paying attention Stilinski." Coach said patting Stiles' shoulder as he passed him by, "And yes. It depends on the effectiveness of the advertisement. Take lacrosse for example..."

He had it all wrong.

That was why her killer took the time to cut her body in half.

That was why one half of it was left somewhere it would easily be found.

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