2 - Muffins and Price Tags and Drums Oh My!

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The next day when Stiles woke up, the first thing he did was test how sore his leg was. They had lacrosse practice today and even though he might be sitting on the bench the rest of the season, Coach would yell at him if he wasn't able to keep up with the rest of the team. Not to mention if he started limping, his dad would start asking questions and he hasn't come up with a plausible lie just yet.

He flexed it this way and that and was surprised to find that he wasn't as sore as he expected. The area around the wound still ached a little bit but not enough that it would be too obvious when he walked. Maybe the thing didn't bite him as hard as he thought.

He got dressed, grabbed his school things, and headed downstairs to have a quick breakfast with his dad. He was almost out of his room when he smelled freshly baked muffins, vanilla muffins to be exact.

"Dad where'd you get muffins?" He asked his dad as he sat on the kitchen table

"What are you talking about? I don't have any muffins."

Stiles frowned, he could've sworn he smelled muffins. In fact, he could still smell it. Maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him, he did like muffins, especially the ones his mother used to make.

"I'll get it." Stiles said when the doorbell rang.

As he got closer to the door, he couldn't help but notice that the smell of vanilla muffins got stronger. Shaking his head, he opened the door and couldn't help the way his jaw partially dropped. Right in front of him was Mrs. Lee with a plate of freshly baked muffins.

"Good morning Stiles," Greeted the thirty-five-year-old woman, "I was up early this morning and made some extra muffins. Claudia was the one who taught me the recipe so I saved some for you and your dad."

"Thank you Mrs. Lee they look delicious." He accepted the plate and invited Mrs. Lee inside.

"No thank you dear I still have to get to work. Enjoy the muffins."

"We will, vanilla muffins are our favourite." He smiled while a part of him was hoping that she corrected him on the flavour of the muffins.

Mrs. Lee looked confused but she smiled and said, "That's right. Their vanilla flavoured. How did you know?"

Stiles tried to hide the way his smile tightened at that confirmation, "I guess I just have a good sense of smell."

Mrs. Lee laughed lightly as she walked away saying how Stiles was so funny, but Stiles stood there on the doorstep for a long time just staring at the plate of muffins. Did he really smell these muffins all the way from his room? How was that even possible?

All the way to school, Stiles puzzled over the muffins and how he was able to immediately tell what flavour it was. He tried to think of a possible solution but he couldn't come up with anything. Mrs. Lee lived across the street and even if she had her windows open while baking, there was no way he would have been able to smell it from his room.

Seeing Scott at the front of the school, he pushed thoughts of those muffins to the back of his head. There were more important things to discuss than breakfast foods.

"How's your bite?" Asked Scott

Stiles lifted up his pant sleeve and showed the bandaged skin to Scott, "It's not as sore as I thought it would be but it still aches a bit."

"Do you think you could still go to practice today?"

"I think so, it's not like sitting on the bench is such a gruelling effort anyway." He said sarcastically

"By the way, I think I know what bit you." Scott said adjusting his bag as they started to walk into the school blending in with the students coming from the bus.

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