21 - Bad Day for Lacrosse Players

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Saturday's early morning lacrosse practice was filled with tension for all concerned. Most of the team was nervous and excited about tonight, understandable since it was the first game of the season. Coach Finstock was even more of a slave driver at practice since his star player was going to be playing with a dislocated shoulder. And said star player played more brutally than usual as if to prove to himself and everybody else that a dislocated shoulder was not going to hinder him in any way. He was the best player Beacon Hills has ever seen and nothing will change that.

However, the biggest tension among the team was between two of the newest first liners and it had nothing to do with the game. All throughout practice Scott and Stiles were virtual mirrors to Romeo and Juliet. They kept shooting each other longing looks whenever the other one wasn't looking and yet doing everything they could to avoid the other boy. If anyone was paying any attention to them, it wouldn't have been long before rumours started circling the school about their torrid love affair.

Luckily for them, no one was watching so they were free to moon over each other in peace.


When Stiles wasn't busy lamenting his deteriorating friendship, he was busy worrying about tonight's game. He didn't know what time the M.E. would have finished examining Laura's body and this meant that Derek might not be released in time for the game, so he had to find other ways to keep himself from going all wolf on the lacrosse players.

Maybe he could find an anchor within the next eight hours.

The practice game has started with Danny as Captain of the Red Team and Jackson as Captain of the White Team. He was in the Red Team while Scott was in the White Team with Jackson. He was playing on autopilot and when Danny passed him the ball, he caught it by instinct. He was surprised to find that even with his mind elsewhere, he could still play lacrosse decently. He wasn't as smooth as he was during eliminations but he didn't suck either.

However, barely paying attention to the game meant that his reflexes weren't as good so when Rodriguez, one of the biggest boys in the team, tackled him, he wasn't able to avoid it. The hit sent him crashing to the ground and then the other boy's momentum caused him to topple over and fall on top of Stiles. Worse still, Rodriguez landed on Stiles' right foot and his shout of pain was heard throughout the field along with the sickening sound of bone breaking.

The pain that shot through his foot was excruciatingly real and thanks to his previous training sessions with Derek, Stiles could tell that it was broken. And like all those other times when Derek broke his bones he could feel himself healing immediately. The feeling of his bones snapping back into place and his tendons slowly stitching themselves back together was something Stiles was probably never going to get used to. From experience, he knew it would probably take a couple of hours for his leg to fully heal and unlike before, that knowledge wasn't making him feel better.

Normal people didn't heal from a broken bone in just a matter of hours. Desperately he begged his body to stop healing. Don't heal. Don't heal. He kept thinking. He didn't want his secret to be found out this way.

The pain has faded by now but Stiles continued to play the part of injured lacrosse player as Coach Finstock started checking him over. The rest of the team gathered around Stiles and Rodriguez at this point, Scott was there too. He removed his helmet and carefully removed Stiles', taking care to make sure he didn't hurt his friend anymore.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked him.

"Yeah." He smiled, "Yeah I'm fine."

By the time the medic got to the field Stiles has already felt his wolf listen to his silent demands to stop healing. He turned to look at his foot and almost vomited at how unnaturally twisted it was. His wolf has only partially fixed the break and now it looked like he just had a sprained ankle.

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