Chapter ONE

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Hi, everyone :)
So this is my first Fanfiction, I really hope you like it! Feel free to comment and give me feedback! I am open to any advice, criticism and of course compliments :)
Addison Pov

When Ricard called me to come to Seattle I didn't know what was about to happen, so I went there. I knew that I would see her again, but it was just one case. It will be fine. I told myself.

One week after I arrived the Covid-19 pandemic hit seattle and I couldn't go back home as planned.
I was overwelmed with all off this and so it happend that I sat down in a supply closed and cried. Suddenly I heard the door open and looked up. It was Meredith standing there. She saw me and I thought:

 This is the worst day in my whole life.

The ex- grilfriend of my ex- husband finding me in a supply closet crying. I sighed. She still stood there obviously in shock. She said: " Addison. Ahmmm... I didn't mean to bother you. I will go away. I'm sorry." Meredith turned around and was about to leave when I gatherd all my courage and said quietly: "No, please. Could you please stay." The second I said this I regretted it. I looked up shyly. She turned around and looked at me. Then she got back inside and closed the door.

Meredith Pov
I stood there akwardly. Then I sat down next to her and pulled there in a hug, because I could tell thats what she needed rigth now. She hugged me back and after a little while she stopped sobbing and crying. Thats when I asked her: "Addsion, what is wrong?" "Nothing" She answered, but I could tell it was not nothing.

So I told her:" If it was nothing, we wouldn't be here. You wouldn't sit here crying your eyes out. So tell me what is wrong? I promiss I won't tell anyone."

That was when Addison looked up at me. Her eyes all red from crying.

Then she started speaking:" I have nowhere to stay. You know that I can't go back home because of the pandemic, but I can't stay at a hotel either because there are not enough security measures. So I'm kind of homeless right now." When I heard this I felt so sorry for her that I offered without thinking:" You can stay with me at my house. Its just for a short time anyway. So its no problem. I mean I know that we had some difficulties in the past but we are both older now. "

Addison Pov 

She said that and I felt a huge relive. I almost started crying again but this time because of happines. I answered:" That is so nice of you. But I don't want to burden you. But if you don't mind I would really like staying with you." I said shyly.

She smiled down at me and I felf a slight tingling in my stomach. I thought it was because I had found a place to stay because it couldn't be because of Meredith. We stood up and I looked at my watch. It was almost the end of my shift and I asked Meredith: "How long is you shift today?" She looked at her Phone and said: " It is almost over. What about yours?" I couldn't hold back my smile and said: " Same. Ahmm so.. you said I could stay with you. Now I have one question: when can i move in with you? I really don't want to be unpolite or something but I have to check out of my hotel tonight." I was really ashamed and didn't dare look up to Merediths face. She patted my back to comfort me and answered:" You can come to my house whenever you want." I looked up to here and gave her an bright smile.

Meredith Pov

After I went home from the hospital I realised that I had to clean up since Addison Montgomery would come over in about 2 hours. So I turned on some music and started. When I was almost ready with the room Addison should stay in, the music suddenly stopped playing. I went to my phone and saw an incomming call from Addison. I smiled because I saved her number with the name 'Satan' about 8 years ago. I took the call and heard her voice.

She said: "Hello Meredith, I'm so so sorry but I missed that I have to move out right now and not in 1 hour. And I haven't packed any of my stuff yet. So I wanted to ask if you could maybe come over and help me packing. I mean just if you have time."

"Of course I'll come and help you." I answered smiling. "I'll need about 10 minutes." Then I hung up and took a look around the room. It was almost looking good, just the new shades for the bed are missing but i'll do that later. I run down the sairs and thought of my kids Zola, Bailey and Elis. They were at there grandma's house because of the pandemic. So there were nobody but me and in a few minutes Addison.

Addison Pov

I was ashamed. It was all my fault. How could I read the time wrong? I felt so uncomfortable calling Meredith but now she is comming over to help me. I put my suitcase on the bed and started to put my cloth in there. When I heard a knocking at the door I took a deep breath and opened. There she was. She looked stunning in her cloth. The second after I thought that I said to myself:

Addsion you can't think like this. She is Meredith Grey. She would never like a trainwreck like you.

"Hey", she said softly. " Hello, thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you right now."
After 10 minutes everything was packed. Meredith checked thebathroom once more and I did the same with the rest of the appartment. Then I heard her giggle. I wonderd why and went over. She had found one of my toys. I blushed and took it. I couldn't look in her face.

And she said softly: " Hey, hey, look at me, its fine. I don't mind it. I got stuff like that myself at home." I sighed and slowly looked up.

Meredith Pov

 I recognized that Addison was really uncomfortable I stepped forward and huged her. She didn't move and I let her go and blushed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Look it's okay and I have no problem with that. As I said I do it myself. And about the hug, I'm sorry it seems like you didn't wanted that. I won't do it again." „It's fine." She smiled shyly at me, put the toy in her bag and we left.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at my house and went inside. I showed Addison her room and helped her with the bags. Then I asked: „So what do you want for dinner? I mean I can't cook at all but I could order something. Oh and if you like you can come with me and pick out the shades for your bed."

" Ahmm.. I could cook if you don't mind. And about the shades: I don't care just pick some and give it to me." she said insecure. So I went and picked out the softest shades I could find for her. Then I felt something in my stomach, something I haven't felt since Derek died. This little tingling confused me. I went back to Addison and gave the sheeds to her. She smiled at me and there was the tingling again...

Addison Pov

" So what would you like to eat?" I asked her. "I don't know. You can cook whatever you want." Meredith replied. "Okay are you fine with noodles and tomato sauce?" I asked her shyly "Of course. I love noodles"

We went downstairs and I started cooking. I realized  her watching me all the time and I looked up and directly into her beautiful blue eyes. She blushes and quickly looks another way. Once we finished dinner she did all the dishes without even asking me. I looked at her and the only thing I wanted to do is hug her very tight. But this would make this month of quarantine very strange. I stood up and walked to the stairs to get into 'my' room.

But suddenly I hear some sobbing from the kitchen. I turned around and ran back. When I saw her sitting on the floor crying my heart tightened. I walked over to her and sat down next to her, just like she did erlier that day. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to comfort her. After about 1 hour sitting on the floor I said:  „Meredith, is it okay for you to go upstairs? I mean I'm not the youngest anymore and if I keep sitting here like that, I won't be able to walk tomorow." She looked up and noded. We went upstair and I helped Meredith getting  into her bed. Then I wanted to leave but I heared her saying: "Addison, could you please stay here?" I turned around smiled at her and sat down next to her.

Hi, again :)
So this was the first chapter! I hope you liked it.
Feel free to comment and give me feedback! I am open to any advice, criticism and of course compliments :)

Laura <3

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