Chapter SIX

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Addison POV

I woke up first and woke her up wit a little kiss on her cheek. She smiled with her eyes closed and when she opened them I could see a little sparkle in them. „Good morning, Mer." I said and she came closer to cuddle, but I didn't want to cuddle, so I turned away. „Hey, what's wrong?" she asked a bit dissapointed. I couldn't help it but a single tear escaped my eye, she is too good for me. I don't deserve her. „Addie, why are you crying? Did I something wrong?" she asked alarmed. I shook my head. „You didn't do anything. You are perfect and again it's me. I'm sorry. I feel like I'm just always the one who is crying and the complicated one." „Noooo, Addie don't do that. You are not the complicated one, you just show your feelings and I don't. Don't apologize for showing your feelings." She said to reassure me but it didn't feel good this time. Since I thought all of this yesterday, I don't think she means all of this. „Look, whatever it is, you can tell me. I really care about you.." I stopped her „No you don't. How can you, someone this beautiful and smart and pretty and perfect, care about someone broken and lost like me. I'm not enough for you and I don't deserve you. I don't have anything to give you. I mean I'm old and I have no experiance with this whole thing and I really want you to be happy." Now I really cried and she looked at me. „Okay, now listen to me Addie. I don't think you are old, you deserve everything in this world, you are perfect and beautiful and amazing. I'm not the only person that sees all of this in you, and I am happy when you are around. You are enough and don't you dare think you are not. I really like you and that is not gonna change." She crawled over the bed to me and hugged me.
Meredith Pov

Oh my Lord! How can she think something like this? I have felt this way when I was with Derek but never with her. With Addison I feel save and I want to feel her the same way.

„Do you really think all of that?" „Of course I do. You are the most amazing woman I ever met. You are so strong." I kissed her on the shoulder and she started to calm down. „Are you ready? We need to go to work." I asked. She nodded and we went to get ready for work. The day went over rather quick and when it was time to get home, I looked out for Addsion. There she was, she looked gorgeous. I smiled and called her name „Addie, I'm here." She came over and hugged me, since we lived together we didn't have to keep distance. We went to the car and she drove us home.

*Two hours later*

We were done with dinner and now we sat down on the couch. She snuggled into my shoulder and I asked „So do you want to talk about what happend in the morning?" „ Hmm... okay. So what do you want to know?" „I think everything. I want to know everything about you. I want to know what you think." I smiled „Okay so my name is Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery..." „I know that, I want to know you, what do you like? What do you hate? Why do think this about yourself?" I laughed. „Oh, okay... So I really love my job and I really like you, I like Taylor Swift, but not as much as I like you. Things that I hate: I hate people who lie to me and I hate the trailor." She looked at me and I smiled.
Addison Pov

She smiled at me like a little kid on christmas. But I don't know what to answer on her last question. „So why do I think like this of myself? That is a good question indeed. I think I don't really know. I mean I thought last night and I asked myself why someone like you could possibly like someone like me and I thought that I don't deserve you and I'm scared to hurt you, because everyone who I loved either hurt me or I hurt them. And I really don't think that you could hurt anyone. And I'm old and I don't know anything about beeing together with a woman. I am scared that you regret to be my girlfreind, because noone really liked beeing with me in the past." I looked at my fingers and waited for her reaction.
Hopfully I didn't say anything, that hurt her.
„ Oh Addie, I can't tell you how much I like you. I like beeing with you and I really don't care about the fact that I'm the first woman you ever kissed. I think this is amazing, actually I really like that fact. You deserve all this and I don't want to ever hurt you. And I don't care about the fact that you are older than me, I mean Derek was older than me and I married him. I don't regret beeing your girlfriend." She pulled me for a kiss and I smiled. The kiss got more and more passionate. She placed her hands on my but and I moaned slightly. She smiled into the kiss. I pulled away a little bit and started to kiss her neck, she moaned and her hands went up to my belly. She stopped and asked „Are you sure about this? I nodded but she stopped and pulled away „ What is it, honey?" I asked a little sad. „ Oh nothing, but I think we should take it slow. I mean we kissed the first time like two days ago." I nodded and placed one last kiss one her lips before I picked her up and caried her upstiars into the bed.
Meredith Pov

She carried me upstairs, I giggled. She looked at me and smiled. We went to bed and read a little bit. „Mer, can we go to sleep. I'm a little tired and we have to go to work tomorow." I agreed and we turned of the lights. After a little time I felt a hand searching for me. I grabbed it and placed it around my waist.

*Next day*

We went to the hospital and heard that we should get tested in the end of the day. Addie and I didn't see us until our shifts were over. „Hey Mer, did you get tested too?" she asked after she hugged me. „Yeah, they said the results should be there in one or two days. Wanna go home?" She nodded and we left. At home we made dinner, she showed me some things, since I can't cook at all. „Oh Mer, can we call Henry tonight? Jack asked and I wondered if you want to be with me." She said shyly. „Of course. I would be really glad to meet your child, and Jake." She smiled and we ate. „Okay, one more thing, before we call. Amm Jake has a new girlfriend and I haven't met her." „Oh it's fine, I can go upstairs, if you want to talk with her alone." I said fastly. „No, no thats not what I ment. I don't know if I want to tell them, you know this with us." She said a little embarressed. „It's okay, we don't have to tell them if you don't want to." I reasured her. We called them and it was a really beautiful call. We talked almost one hour until Henry had to go to bed. We hang up and I saw that Addie had teared up. She tried to hide it and went to the kitchen. I followed her „Hey, Addie. Are you okay?" She nodded, but I didn't belive her. "You can tell me, only if you want to of course." I said and she slowly turned around. „I... I just... I'm happy to be here with you, but when I saw how happy Jake is with his new girlfriend, I got jealous and Henry seems to like her and what if he don't want me to be his mom anymore?" tears started to make their way down her cheeks. I went over to her and hugged her „It's okay. You can be jealous and Henry would never replace you. He was really happy to see you." I tried to comfort her and she calmed down a little bit.

Addison Pov

I calmed down when she held me. After a little while we went upstairs and she helped me getting ready for bed. When she wanted to pull my shirt over my head I stopped her. „Oh, I'm sorry. I... I didn't want to make you uncomfy. I just thought I would help you." She fastly said and stepped away. I sighned.
I made her sad again, how can I be so stupid?

She still stood there looking at me. „Oh should I turn around or go into my room?" „No, Mer, I.. you can stay here if you want to. It's just, I don't know if you are ready to see what I have under my shirt." I said sadly. She looked at me a little confused „I'm fine with whatever is under there, you don't have to be scared." So I pulled my shirt over my head and looked at her. She just smiled. „Wow, Addie, you have a perfect body!" I shyly looked up to her „ You really think so? I mean I don't know if I like my body and in all my previous relationships I never really thought about it, but now I'm with a woman and..." I stumble and blush. She looked at me, stepped forward and hugged me. „Addie, you are amazing, please don't think that I wouldn't like your body.  I like you with all of your parts." I smiled into her hair. She went to get ready for bed and when she came back, she wore a oversized Darthmouth shirt with only her panties on.

Whoa I really want to kiss her right now.

She crawled into the bed and layed her head down on my chest. „Can you read something to me?" she asked me sweetly. I read a chapter of Harry Potter and then we went to sleep.


I'm back again :) This chapter is a little longer, I hope you like it <3
Feel free to comment and give me some feedback <33

Laura <3

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