Chapter 11

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Addison Pov

When I got her message I was just on my way to the attendings lounge to change ot of my scrubs. But I didn’t want to let Meredith wait so I turned around and went straight back to the room where I just came from, the exam room which Meredith was already waiting in front off.

„Hey, babe! How are you?“ I smiled as I went in for a hug. She smiled and hugged me back. At this point amost the whole hospital knew about us and it was the biggest topic to gosip about. I really did not care at all, the only thing I cared about was me and her and the beautiful journey we had in front of us. 

„I’m good, thanks. I have to say I’m really exited for the ultrasound. I can’t belive this is really happening to me, I mean to us.“  Meredith said with a bright smile on her face

„I know I can’t believe it either, but lets get in there and start, I’m really tired I wanna go home.“  I opened the door and let Meredith in.

Mer laid down on the examination table while I got ready to do the ultrasound. I started the examination, which I had done a thousand times already and immediately saw the little dot which indicates the pregnancy. I smiled and turned the screen so Meredith could see the amazing result herself.

„Addie, I am really pregnant. I can’t believe it, we’re gonna have a baby!“ Meredith happily said.  I nodded and cleaned her belly of.

She really wants to have this child with me. I can’t believe it, how can she be this kind? I mean she doesn’t even know me that well and she trusts me enough to have a child with me, to raise a child in these really troubeld times. I really love her! But I can’t tell her that because she will be scared and then she will break up with me, I know that.

I thought all of that but I said: „Yeah, that’s gonna be great! I love that for you! We should wrap this up and go home, I’m tired.“

We got going and drove back to the house while listeniogn to my new favourite song of Taylor Swift. We sang along and Meredith seemd to have a really good time, while I was feeling a litle bit sad and I couldn't supress my anxiety creeping up on me.

Meredith went upstairs to shower and put on some comfy clothes while I was at the kitchen to start dinner. I made noodles with tomato sauce, a very simple dish but I had no energy for anything more fancy.

Meredith Pov

As soon as we got home I went upstairs to take a shower and get comfy. I had a weird feeling that Addie was not as happy as she pretented to be. I didn’t think she would be upset with me because I got pregnant. We had a talk and she didn’t seem mad, but the way she was acting told me something different. I wanted to talk about that over dinner, because I didn't want anything, not even the slightest tiny problem, to cause a fight.

When I came into the kitchen dinner was almost ready and my gorgeus girlfriend just finished setting the table. I went over to hug and kiss her but she turned away form me and went over to the stove.

„Addie? What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me?“ I asked.

„No, no everything is fine. Just tired.“ She avoided my questions. „Let’s sit down and eat. I hope noodles are fine with you.“ I just nooded and sat down right across from her.

She moved the food around her plate instead of eating the food. I tried again: „Addie, come on I can tell that something is not right. Don’t you want to talk about it? I fell like you are sad about something.“  

She didn’t look up at me and just shook her head. I put my fork down, got up and went over to her. I put my hand on her back and started talking again.

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