Chapter 10

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A few days later

Addison POV

We were living the best of our lives right now, but when I woke up this morning I felt kind of weird. I turned around to snuggle with Meredith before we had to get up but nobody was there. I wondered where she could be and got up to look after her. In the bathroom I finally found her on the floor. She had passed out. I rushed towards her and sat down next to her. „Mer, Mer are you okay?“ She slowly started to get concious again.

 „Honey, what happend? Why were you unconious?“ She turned her head around so that she could see my eyes. „Addie, I think I need to tell you something…“ We got up and went back to bed, she was still a shaking a little and I worried that I might have done something.

When we sat down Merdith started speaking: „ So Addie, I don’t know how I should tell you this.“ „You can tell me everything, honey I promise I won’t be mad.“ „ I think I’m pregnant, because the last time I was pregnat with Ellis I always fainthed and it kinda feels the same. And I wanted to take a test but then it happend again and now I don’t know and and…“ she started crying and I hugged her and she put her head on my chest. „ Hey,  hey babe, it would be amazing when you were pregnant. I would be really happy when we could have another kid together. I mean of course we are both no the youngest anymore but I really think it would be possible for us to manage that.“

She slowly stopped crying and looked up to me „ Are you not mad because I slept with someone else before we said we are a couple? I’m so sorry and I actually didn’t want to but he was there and I was so sad and you were at home and I don’t know how it happend and I regretted it the second after we did it.“

„ Mer, I don’t want you to be sorry for something that doesn’t matter right now. I’m not mad at you because you slept with someone, even though we were already starting to date. I mean we lived together without beeing a couple and I never said that you are not allowed to sleep with a man because at that time we weren’t exclusive. So stop that and go and do this test so we can be sure and happy about our little wonder.“


This woman ist for real the best thing that could have happend to me in my entire life. I mean how amazing is it that she is so gentle and warm and not mad? I don’t even know how to decribe it. But how did I ever deserve such a kind person like her? I mean how?

I got up, went to the bathroom and took the test. Since we would have to wait a little bit until we could look at the result I went back to Addie, who was sitting in our bed still. „Would you mind if we go outside for a bit, The weather is so beautiful.“ She agreed and we went outside and sat down.

„So Addie, about what I said earlier, I'm really really sorry and I would totally understand if you didn’t want to be with me anymore. I mean we were testing the waters, not really dating or something like that, but you know what I mean. I don’t think that I deserve such a kind person as you are.“ When I looked up I saw the tears in her eyes. „Oh sorry I didn’t mean to make you cry…“ „Mer, can you please stop talking about yourself in that way? I do not want to leave you ever again and you deserve every single good thing in this world, okay? You will not break me or hurt me or anything like that. And I will never ever let you go. And I’m not mad at you, as you said we were just testing the waters, so there is nothing I can say about you getting in bed with somebody else, okay? “ She said that and with that I was the happiest person on this planet. „Okay, thank you. I really needed that. I don’t know where all these emotions came from, sorry… But should we have a look at the test?“

Addison nodded and we went over to the bathroom to have a look at it. I was to scared to look at it and to live with the consequences. „Can you take a look and tell me then what we have to deal with?“ „Oh of course I can do that.“ She turned the test around and looked at it. „OMG. This is the best day in my whole entire life!“ „Am I pregnant?“ „Yess you are the test is positive. I mean of course we will have to get it checked in the hospital but I mean those test are very accurate.“ She was so excited about it, that I just couldn’t help myself and get excited too. I started smiling and went in for a hug, she immediatley hugged me back and this was the first time in a lot of months, that I was really happy and had no other feeling but happiness.

A few hours later

After we found out about my pregnancy Addie and I went to work. We wanted to meet up after our shifts to get the final test for my pregnacy. That is one of the perks about having a girlfriend, who at the same time is one of the best obgyn surgeons in the world, you can just get yourself tested for a pregnacy without anyone knowing.

At the end of my shift I changed out of my scrubs and went to the obgyn wing. While I was one my way I texted Addie, so she knew I was coming.

         ME: Hey lovev, I just wanted to let you know I’m on my way. Xoxo  

         ADDIE aka THE LOVE OF MY LIFE: Perfect! Can’t wait to see u! xoxo

I had butterflies in my stomach because of that text. I still couldn’t belive I was able to call this perfect human beeing my freaking girlfriend. I arrived at the exam room where I waited for Addie.  


Thank you so much for reading this story, I promise I will continue this one more often from now on :)

Love, Laura

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