Chapter 12

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Meredith Pov

I saw her walking over to the closet. I couldn’t belive what she just told me. I mean did I really make her feel like she wasn’t  welcome around here?

„Addie stop. Don’t pack your bags. What would make you think, that I would ever throw you out of my house?“ She didn’t react to anything I just said and continued to gather all her clothes. I got up and grapped her wrist.

„Addison Montgomery. Stop that right now. You will not leave my house. I really ment it when I said we would do all of this together. And you can ask me anything about the father, because I kinda have a feeling, that this is the main problem here. The father is Nick. You know the guy from Minessota? It was a one time thing and it will never happen again. He doesn’t even know I’m pregnant and I do not plan on telling him either. And now to the other part. You never ever have to keep yourelf together when you are with me. I will never judge you or your feelings, because that is something very very rude and hurtfull. I would love to listen to your problems all day, because I know that you feel better when you talk.“

While I was talking she slowly started to look at me again and when I finished she almsot started crying again. She apparently could not belive all the things she just heard from me.

„Addie, I really wanted to tell you this in a more romantic setting, but I feel like this is the right time. Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery, I’m the happiest person on this planet when you’re around. I could not imagine a better person to spent these difficult times with. You are so perfect in every possible way and I never thought I would say that to anyone else but my cildren but I love you so so much and I will never stop loving you until I die.“

As soon as I finished my monulouge Addie cupped my face with her hands and kissed me. I felt so happy I could hug the whole world right now, but instead I hugged my whole world and kissed her even more.

When we pulled away she looked me in the eye and said: „I love you too, Mer! I did really never even dared to dream about you beeing in love with me.“

We continued to hug and kiss each other for quiet a while until I pulled away and we started to put Addie’s stuff back into the closet.

Addison Pov

I can’t belive she is really in love with me, that is the craziest thing. I couldn’t even imagine that she could feel the same thing as me.

We finished putting away my clothes and I layed down in bed, while Meredith quickly went to brush her teeth. When she came back she cuddled up with me and went straight to sleep while I was still awake.

I didn’t dare to move one inch because I didn’t wanna wake her up, but all I could think about was that she really loved me.

I never felt this protected in my entire life, not even in the marriage with Derek or the relationship with Mark. I mean my marriage with Derek was never good  in the first place and the one with Mark was honestly just to get me through the phase after Derek.

My thoughts traveled to the night I first met Meredith and called her the woman who has been screwing my husband.

I mean I didn’t know her at that time but I really wanted some stability back in my life so I really couldn’t do anything else. But after I got to know her I think I already fell in love with her back then. And I really wanted her to have the happiest life she could ever wish for. Heck I even gave her my husband and wanted him to not hurt her. And after we talked before her operation I really wanted to tell her that because she wouldn’t even remember but I did not dare.

I layed there for several hours and just let me think about everything before I finally drifted away to sleep.

****** The next morning ******

Meredith was up first and woke me up.

„Addie, good morning honey, we have to get up.“ I slowley opened my eyes and looked into her beautiful smiling face.

„Morning babe.“

„We gotta get ready for work, at least it’s Friday and tonight we will meet, well not really but virtually meet Maya and Carina. I mean that is amazing.“ She was always so fast with getting up in the morning and thinking about everything that was going to happen on that day.

„Mer, slow down, it’s not even 6 am. I brain is not functioning properly at this tiem. I need a coffee and a shower before I can follow your amazing brain.“ I chuckled.

She smiled at me and gave me a little kiss on my forehead before she got into the shower.

I went downstairs and amid us both a coffee, while still being half asleep and that was probably the main reason I didn’t notice the rose petals all over the floor. I stirred in my coffee and went through all my appiontments with my patients for today. I had one lady, that will probably having her baby today and one who should have had her baby like three weeks ago but that boy didn’t want to move. I will probably have to do a C-section on her. My thoughts trailed of more and more until Meredith was standig right infront of me waving.

„Helloo? Is somebody there or am I talking to a wall?“

„Sorry, what did you say?“ I apologized. „Don’t apologize, babe, but I asked if you have noticed my effort with the decorations“ she laughed

I fully opened my eyes and now I recognized the petals all over the floor.

„Oh, I did really not notice all of that. Is that for me?“

„Of course it is hun. I wanted to celebrate the I love you thing, but we don’t have to if you think it’s silly. I can clean it all up when you are gone for work.“ She rambled but I cut in.

„No it is beautiful. I love it, should I follow the track?“ She nodded

Meredith and I walked into the living room and then outside into the backyard, she had prepared a full picknick and even had candles out there.

„Oh Mer this is amazing, but I really need to get to work, I really appreceate the effort, but you understand this right? I’m sorry, but we can have this picknick when I’m back tonight, okay?“

„Yes of course, I know that. I still have to prepare the food, so take your time at work. We both know how good I’m at cooking…“  

„Yeah we do know that, but whatever you make is good. And if yuo don’t feel like cooking after all you can order and I’ll be happy with that.“ I smiled and gave her a warming hug.

„But Mer, I gotta go. Work… You know I’d much rather stay here with you and enjoy all of this, but there are moms and newborns waiting for me.“

She nodded and let me go. I went inside and grabbed my stuff for work. Before I left I called „Mer I love you, see you later.“ and left. Little did know, what was about to happen…

And here we go. A new chapter :)

Go ahead and comment your thoughts what is about to happen.
Will there be an acident or something worse? 

I hope you liked this part and I'll try and update asap <3

Laura <3

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