Chapter 13

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Meredith Pov

After Addie left I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for the day. I finished getting raedy and didn’t really know what to do with all of the time I had left, Addie would be at work until about 7 pm. I kept myself busy with chaninging the covers and cleaning the bathroom.

I got the call while I was cleaning the toilet. At first I wonderd who wwas calling at this time of the day. All of my friends were at work and the kids were busy with their school work.

I turned the screen and saw the name on the screen: Miranda Bailey

  Huh why is Miranda calling me? I’m not at work, there is nothing she could be asking me about.

I picked up

Mer: „Good Morning Miranda! Why do I get the honor of you calling me at this time of the day when I’m not even at work?“

Miranda: „Grey, This is not the time for jokes. There was an incident…“

Before she even finished her sentece my mind went blank.

Mer: „NO! Is something wrong with Addie? What happned? Is she okay? What happend Miranda?“

Miranda: „If you let me finish my sentence then you would kow. There was a car crash behind the reproductive health clinic and yes Addison is involved. I’m calling you to come here and support her. She is awake and not that injured but the other woman is hurt pretty bad…“

Mer: „ I’m coming, give me 15 minutes and I’ll be there.“

I hang up before she couöd say anything eslse. I rushed down the stairs, put on my shoes and went outsinde the door.

After a 15 minute drive I finally arrived at Grey-Sloan. I ruhed inside the ER and looked around. The first person I saw was Schmitt.

„SCHMITT GET OVER HERE.“ I yelled and the resident walked over with a scared face.

„Dr.Grey, nice to see you. What is is?“

„Where is Addison?“ „Oh she is bed five. I think she…“

I ran over and opend the curtain. There she was with a head injury and what seems to be a dislocated shoulder.

„Oh my god babe, what happend? How are you feeling my love?“

I grabbed a chair and sat down next to her to hold her hand. She shot me a weak smile.

„Hi honey, you are here.. You didn‘t have to come it’s not that bad. I don’t want you to expose yourself to the virus more that you do alread. I’m fine please go home and stay safe.“

„No Addie, I’m staying here and you can’t do anything about it. I love you and I was scared to death that there could be something worse than this. You could have died.“

„But I’m alive and somewhat fine.“ She almosted sharted laughing and I smiled with tears in my eyes. The thought of losing Addison, the love of my life, was too much for me.

„Hey, Baby why are you crying, I’m right here and still alive. What’s wrong?“ She looked at me worried that she might have said something to make me cry.

„No nothing just the thought of loosing you is to much for me. I love you so much and  I would not know what to do if you…“ I couldn’t finish the sentence because the tears started rooling down my cheeks.

Addie let go of my hand to wipe the tears of my cheek.

„Mer, please don’t cry. I’m fine I promise.“ She tried to make me feel a little better and suprisingly it worked.

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