Chapter SEVEN

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Meredith Pov

I woke up and I felt cold, I reached for Addison but nobody was there. I sat up and looked around the room but she wasn't there. I got up and walked into the bathroom, she wasn't there either. I got a little worried and went downstairs. „Addison? Are you here?" I got no answer. Then I saw the note on the kitchen table. It said:

Good morning beautiful, I'm sorry for leaving so early but I will be back at half past seven. Please don't make breakfast I have a suprise for you when I come back.
Addison <3

I smiled at the note and looked at the clock, it was 7.25. She will be back in 5 minutes, I rushed into my room and picked something to wear. When I was done I heard the door. I smiled and ran down, there she was, she had a big bag in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the other. Thats why she still wore her mask, I started laughing „What are you doing?" „I went to a shop and bought some stuff. Could you please take the bag, but don't look inside!" I took the bag and closed my eyes. „Now you can open them again." She said and took the bag. She looked me with her beautiful blue eyes and gave me the flowers. „Here you go, they are for you." She said with a little blush on her cheeks. I smiled and pulled her into a kiss „Thank you, those are amazing!" I said and she blushed more. „Come on, lets go."  She said and grabbed my hand. We went into the living room and there was a blanket on the floor with breakfast and candles. „Wow, Addie, when did you do all this?" „I woke up early and thought I could suprise you, and give you something back, because I'm so difficult with all my crying and stuff." She said a little embarresed. „This is amazing, even if you don't have to feel guilty for anything. I don't mind it, I've had those phases in my live." I gave her an reassuring smile and we sat down.
After a little while we were done with eating and she smiled at me. „What is it?" I asked because I blushed under her look. „ I still have something for you. Do you want to have it now or later?" „Now, please." I said fastly.  She took the bag and gave it to me. I opened it and it was a white box inside, I took it out and opened the box. I couldn't belive what was in there. It was the necklace I wanted to have since ever, I showed it to her ages ago and she remembered. „You remembered? How cute are you, thank you so so much. This is the best present I ever got." I pulled her into a long kiss and asked if she could put it around my neck. After a little while we got up and started to clean up, when suddenly the doorbell rang.
Addison Pov
I wondered who it could and went to open the door. The mailman stood there with a package and asked „Are you Dr.Grey?" „No, wait a second I will get her. Mer the mailman is here, he has a package for you, could you please come here for a sec?" I shouted into the house, not caring about the fact, that the mailman stood right infront of me. She came running form the kitchen and smiled at the man. „Hi, I am Dr. Grey, do you need a signature or something?" She asked politly, he nodded and she singed on the package. Then the mailman asked „I'm sorry, but do you two know a Dr. Montgomery, by any chance. I have a package for her to and it says this adress, but I think you to are both Dr.Grey?" I tried really hard to hide my laugh and answered him „This must be your lucky day. Dr. Montgomery is right infront of you." He blushed and gave me my package. „I..I'm sorry, I assumed.." he stummbled but I just said „Oh no, it's fine, this can happen." When we closed to door behind us I bursted out with laughter and Meredith joined me.
We opened the packages and saw our test results, both were negative, and since it was a blood test, we also tested for other things. Meredith came close to me and started to kiss me. I pulled away and asked „Why are you kissing me?" „Can't I kiss my girlfriend because I'm happy that we can have sex now, I mean because we both don't have any sexual diseases? At least my test said that." She blushed a little but as an answer I pulled her close and kissed her again. We stopped when air became an issue and I rested my forehead on hers. I looked at the clock and said „Mer, we have to get ready. It's already half past eight. We went to get ready for work and about 20 minutes later we sat in the car and drove to Grey Sloan Memorial. We walked into the hospital and saw Bailey standing in the lobby. „Bailey, what is it?" Meredith asked looking a bit worried. „Oh nothing, I just have to see you test results, before I can let you in. I mean I know that this is intern work, but I wanted to do it myself." She answered and we both showed her our negative test results. We walked away and I stroke Merediths back a little bit, thinking nobody saw it.

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