Chapter TWO

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Meredith Pov
When I woke up the next morning I saw her, laying next to me. She looked so calm and beautiful while she was sleeping that I had to smile. Then she woke up and said:" Good morning Meredith." "Good morning" I said. I was emberessed because I cried last night and made her stay with me. "Look Addison, I'm sorry for last night. I didn't mean to make you stay with me."    "Hey, hey Meredith it's fine. I don't mind staying here. You know actually I really liked it because I ahmm.. I somtimes feel quite lonley when I stay  somewhere new." She said not looking into my eyes.

 Awww thats so cuteee.

Then I stood up and said: "Well okay, what do you want for breakfast. I can make sandwiches or cereal." "Oh I can make breakfast while you shower." she answered with a little smile on her lips. I nodded, grapped my cloth and went to the bathroom. A little while later I came down and saw scrambeld eggs and fruits and yoghurt on the table. " Wow, Addison. That is amazing. I didn't know you can cook like this good." I said impressed. She smiled shyly and went upstairs to take a shower. Half an hour later I called her and said: "Addison, it's time to go. We will be late for work if we don't hurry up." While I put my coat on she came running and apologized: „Sorry, but I couldn't find anything to wear because i don't have any fresh cloth left so I had to... oh that is to much information I'm sorry." "Oh no it's fine. Since you are the only person I can talk to without a mask on my face I'm happy to do and I'm happy to listen." I answered and walked out to the car. She looked at me and asked: „Can I come with you? I mean in the car?" „Of course. The other option is to walk. Would you do that rather than sitting in a car with me?" I said laughing.

Three days later

Addison Pov

When I came home, to Merediths house, I felt exhausted. I opened the door and yelled : " Helloo, I'm back." But there was no answer. I was wondering were Meredith was and walked upstair so look after her. I found her sitting on the ground. She was sitting there and cried. When she saw me she quickly wiped away her tears and stood up. "What's wrong?" I asked softly. She shook her head " Nothing." I sighned and walked out of her room. I laid down into my bed and tried to sleep but all I could think of was Meredith and why she cried. I got up again and went to her room to ask what she wanted for dinner. But she was again crying. I walked over to her and pulled her in a hug. I didn't care when she said: "Addison, please go away." I just hugged her and tried to comfort her, because thats what she did when I cried in the supply closet. A little later I let her go and took her hand to pull her downstairs. Then I placed her on a chair in the kitchen and started to cook. " What is that about?" she asked confused. But I didn't answer and continued cooking. Then when I was done, I passed her the plate with her food and said: " Eat and then we need to talk."

Hello again :)
This one is a little shorter, I'm sorry :(
Please comment and let me know if I should continue writing this story.
Laura <3

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