Chapter 9

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Meredith POV

When we finished the episode it was almost time for the call. I was realy excited to talk to my kids again and I could see that Addie felt the same. She got up and said „I’m gonna be back in a few seconds. I’ll just put on some make-up and go to the toilet before the call. Okay?“ I nodded and she rushed away while I fixed my hair, turned the TV off and set up my laptop. Then I texted Carolyn Sheperd, the grandma of my children, if she is ready for the call. When Addison came down again, Carolyn just answered she was ready and then called. Addsion sat down next to me and I felt that she was really nervous. I looked at her and took her hands in mine to comfort her. The next second my Kids appeared on the screen and said all at the same time „Hiiiiii Mom!!!!!“ I smiled and answered „Hiii! So before we start catching up I want you to meet Addison. She is ahmm…“ I looked over to Addison and she gave me a nood, but before I could say anything my Zola exclaimed „Is she your girlfriend?“ I was stunned. How could she know that? After a few seconds I got my voice back. „Yes, ah, how could you know that.“ „I don’t know, but the way you just looked at her, I had a feeling.“ „Hiii Addison, how are you?“ a second voice asked, this time it was Ellis. "I'm good, thanks." Addison answered with a small smile one her lips. I looked over to her and noticed that she got more and more comfortable with the whole situatuion, this made me so happy. „Zola? You texted me yesterday and asked if you could buy a ticket for a concert next year?“ Ellis handed the phone over to Zola „Yeah and you didn’t answer. So what do you say?“ „Ahmm, don’t you think you’re a little too young to go to a concert? And we’re still in a pandemic, so how would this work anyway?“ „It would be online and I wouldn’t even be around people. And Sofia is allowed to go.“ „Okay well, I will talk to Callie and Arizona about it and then I will text you about it, okay?“ She just nodded and handed the phone over to Bailey. The first thing he said was „Hi Addison and Mom of course, I wanted to ask you something.“ Addie smiled and nodded „So Addison, did you know our Dad?“ „Uhm yeah I knew him…“ I could she how she looked at me like she was searching for permission if she could talk to my kids about Derek. I nodded and she started talking about Derek with my kids. I could see that they wanted to know everything about their Dad. It made me happy to see how good all of them came along. About 30 minutes later I heared Carolyn say that it’s time for bed, so we said our goodbyes and the kids went to bed. I closed my laptop and looked over to Addison.

Addison POV

I had the biggest smile on my lips and lookjed at her. „Mer, your kids are amazing, they are so accepting and caring and they don’t mind it that I am a woman. This is amazing.“ She was really happy about the fact that I was so happy with her children and she hugged me before she said anything. „I love you.“ She wispered into my neck and I just hugged her thighter „I love you too.“ Then we pulled away and I asked „What do you want for dinner?“ „I don’t know, what about some noodles with cheese?“ „Okay I can do that.“ About 10 mintues later our dinner was ready and we ate. After dinner we did the dishes wen the doorbell suddenly rang. „Mer, do you know who that could be?“ she shook her head and went to open the door. I dryed my hands and went after her. I stood right in the hallway when I saw the girls who stood infront of our door. I saw the girls and Meredith talk and came closer. „Oh Addie, can you come here? I want you to meet Maya and Carina. I talked about them erlier remember?“ I walked over to the door and two women stood there one with brown and the other one with blond hair. „Hi, I’m Dr. Addison Montgomery.“ „Wait, are you the ob-gyn in Grey-Sloan?“ the brunette asked. I gave her a weird look and she added „I’m sorry, I didn’t want to be unpolite. I’m Dr. Carina Deluca-Bishop and i’m working as an ob-gyn at Grey-Sloan. And I assumed that you would work there because I have seen your name on some of the chases, but…“ „No, I’m working there and I am Dr. Montgomery, but don’t you two want to come in?“ Maya shook her head „No we can’t because of covid-protocols, but if the pandemic gets better we would love to come over sometime.“ I nodded and Carina started taliking again „Well, I’ve got to go now. I have work in about an hour, I’m working night shift today. Have a beautiful evening you two.“ They turned around and walked away while Meredith closed the door. „So did you like them. Those are the two I told you about earlier and again I don’t want to compare our relationship to theirs, okay?“ „I got that one but I really like them, they are very nice and I can’t wait to work with Dr. Deluca-Bishop.“ She started to smile and pulled me into a hug. „Do you want to get ready for bed?“ she just nooded but didn’t let go of me so I simply picked her up and started carrying her upstairs. She giggled and held on to me for dear life. „Mer, I’m not gonna drop you, I am stronger than I look.“ When we arrived at our bedroom I layed her down in the bed and asked if she wanted to go into the shour first or if I should go. „If it doesn’t  bother you we could try and go shower together?“ she asked carefully. I though for a moment and agreed. Meredith got up and took my hands, I wanted to go to the bathroom but she held me back. „Addie, I want you to be honest with me and to tell me if you’re uncomfortable and I want you to enjoy the experiance with me, okay?“ I felt overwhelmed by her kindness and how she actually cared aout my needings and about what I wanted and not just what she wanted for herself. „Mer, trust me I would tell you if I wasn’t comfortable with any of your actions and I showed you the last time when I was uncomfortable, but I feel so safe with you right now that I definatly want to try ang go to the shower with you, I mean we can always stop when I don’t  like it, right?“ „Yeah of course we can.“ She smiled at me and I wanted to let go of her hands but she just let go of one and kept the other one in hers. I smiled and we went to the bathroom. In the bathroom she started taking of her chloth and I stood there and watched. „Don’t you want to take of your chloth? Or do you want to shower with them on?“ she didn’T ask that for fun, she meant it. „No, I didn’t plan on showering woth my chloth on, but I…“ „do you fell okay? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?“ Meredith immediatley started worrying about me. „No, no. I just don’t know where to start, I mean the lest time someone saw me naked, welll I can’t even remember it so…“ „Oh honey it’s fine you don‘t have to be ashamed about anything. I think you are hot and gorgeus and the best girlfriend I can imagine.“ In this moment I was the happiest person in the whole world, little did I know what was about to happen in the next weeks. We went inro the shower and showerd. It was really amazing. Meredith washed my hair and massaged my back, but never tried to have sex. I felt so acceptet and never had the feeling that I was rushed into something. After the shower we blow-dryed our hair and went to bed.

Hello guys, I'm back. I really hope y'all like this chapter :)

Laura <3

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