Chapter THREE

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Meredith Pov
She passed me the plate with my food and said: „Eat and then we need to talk." I nodded and began to eat. The food was delicious but I still couldn't stop crying. When we were done with eating she looked at me and then I started to talk. I somehow felt save with her. „ So, I really don't know where to start. But I think I'm mostly crying because I don't get to see my kids. Of course we can facetime but it's not the same as having them around all the time. And then I miss Derek so so much and you remind me of him like every time when I see you." I looked up into her eyes and saw tears. She  just looked at me and then said: „Meredith, I'm so sorry. I didn't think. I will search something else to stay. I don't want to remind you of Derek and I think it's the best way for me to go somwhere else." She started crying, stood up and went upstairs. I quickly went after her and knocked lightly at her door. When I didn't got an answer I opened the door carefully and saw her sitting on the bed. She had her head in her hands and sobbed quietly. I went over and started to talk: „ Hey Addie, I don't want you to move out. I'm sorry that I said something like this. You are an amazing quarantine partner." I sat down next to her and pulled her in a hug. She took her head out of her hands and looked at me. „ Are you sure? I mean I really don't want to bother you. It's just like... I don't have anywhere else to stay and I am really really thankful that you let me stay here. I mean I'm obviusly not your favourite partner to quarantine with." „Addie I wouldn't have made this offer to you if I didn't want you here."
Addison Pov
After she said that I suddenly realized that she had called me Addie and I blushed. Then I looked into her perfect eyes and smiled. We sat there huging each other and I was the happiest person on earth in this moment. After about 30 minutes she started to snoor a little bit. I looked to her face and she slept in my arms, she looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake her up. So I decided to just stay like this. When I woke up I felt a body next to mine. I imideatly smiled when I saw her. I stood up and tried not to wake her, then I went down to cook breakfast. I made scrumbled egges again, because it was her favourite. About 20 minutes later the breakfast was ready, so I went upstair and wanted to wake her. But she already was awake and smiled at me when I entered the room. „Good morning, Addie" she said and walked towards me. When I saw her walking to me only in her oversized sleeping shirt and I felt butterflies in my stomach. She stood infront of me and looked in my eyes. „Ammm breakfast is ready..." I stumbled.
Meredith Pov
She was so so cute. And when I realized the tenson that builded between the two of us. I looked deeply into her eyes and then I hugged her tightly. She gasped and then she hugged me back. When I pulled away gently I saw a big smile on her lips and I said: „ Okay, let's go, didn't you say something about breakfast?" I asked. She just nodded and we went down. When I saw my favourite breakfast I smiled and turned around to her. „I.. I thought that this was your favourite. I mean it was about 15 years ago." She stumbled shyly. „ It still is. Thank you so much. You didn't have to do this." „It is the least I can do... I mean you are letting me stay here for free and I remind you of Derek... so I figured I could at least cook for us." I could tell that she still was uncomfortable with the thing I said to her yesterday. „Addie, it's okay. It's not your fault that I'm reminded of Derek. You are amazing and I didn't mean to scare you yesterday. I just told you my feelings... I don't do that normally. I just felt save to tell you. I mean I feel save with you and..." But I was interupted by her. She came one step closer and than she hugged me tightly and mumled into my hair: „ Thank you so so much Mer. This means so much to me. I feel save with you too and i'm glad that we meet this way again. And I have to say one thing: The first days I thought I still hate you a little bit, but I really started to like you..."
Addison Pov
When I said that I was scared of the answer but she simply said: „I like you too." Then we pulled away and started to eat.

Later that day

When we came back from work, I felt exhausted. I just wanted to go to bed and sleep. But Meredith had other plans. I went into my room and started to change into comfy clothes and suddenly she stood in the door. I was wearing only my bra and shorts but she didn't bother „Addie, can we talk for a minute?" „ Amm.. of course, wait a second" I slipped a shirth over my head, „What is it?" „So.. I wanted to ask something... I am feeling alone and normally I anways cuddle with my children when I feel like this, but they aren't here and so I wondered if we could, you know, cuddle a little bit." I gave her a very confused look, „ I shouldn't have asked. Forget about it." She said embaressed and started to walk out, but I stepped forward and grabbed her wrist. „Of course we can cuddle, Mer. I feel lonely too so it is a win-win situation here." I smiled at her. We went over to the bed and lay down. I automatically sponned her because I was the taller one and she came close to me. I felt those butterflies again when she touched my body.
Hi <3
I hope you like this. Please comment and give me some feedback :)

Laura <3

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