Chapter 14

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Meredith Pov

I went into the bathroom and started heating up the water.

Then I layed out some comfy towels and placed some scented lotion for after the bath.

That’s when Addie entered the room and hugged me with one arm.

„Hey beautiful, what is it?“ I asked and leaned into the hug.

It was really comforting and I finally felt like I was safe with a person.

„So do you wanna join me in the tub? I really feel like taking a bath rather than a shower and it would be better for the arm.“

„Of course, I’d love to.“

We undressed while the bathtub filled up with steaming hot water. Addie put one of her favourite bath salts in. The whole room smelled like vanilla and rasberries.

I went into the tub first, so she could place herself in between my legs and rest on my chest.

She sat down and sighned happily.

„I feel so comfortable with you, I can’t even describe it. I never felt this way with anyone else and the care you have for me is just amazing.“ I could feel the butterfiles in my stomach, I really was in love with her.

„I love you, thak you for saying that. I can only give it back to you, you are a very special person to me too, and I could never live without you.“

We sat there and cuddled until the water was cold and we had to get out.

„Addie, I know this is very soothing for you, but we have to get out, or we’ll be sick. And then the time until you can return to work will be even longer.“

When she heard that, she almost jumped out of the bathtub. We dried ourselves off and I changed the band aid on her forehead.

When she made a face I worried I might have hurt her and immediatly stopped.

„Baby, am I hurting you? Does it hurt?“

„No it’s fine, I can get through a little bit of pain, it’s fine, just keep going.“

„But I really don’t want you to be in pain. I never want yuo to be in pain, please tell me if it hurts okay? I’m gonna be extra carefull.“ She smiled at me and it felt like a warm hug.

I continued to carefully remove the band-aid and after that disinfected the little cut she had.

„Okay, all done. I hope you like the band-aid.“ I smirked.

I had put on a hello kitty bad-aid. It was similar to the one I wore in the hopital to cover up my zit years ago. It was some kind of running gag, because Addie chated me in the car utting it one. That situation was really something.

„Why what did you do?“ She hurried over to the mirror and started laughing.

„Oh Mer, this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I love it, and it reminds me of something, you know the car sitution.“

„That’s exactly why I put it on. I wanted to feel a little bit of nostalgia. But can we go and eat now? It’s getting late and I’m really hungry.“

We went over onto the bedroom, where the basket with all of our food was still standing. I opendedt the curatins and we could see the dark sky with all the stars.

„What do you think, do you wanna star-gaze with me?“ Addie nodded and we put down some blankets and pillows for comfort. After the food and a lot of talking we both fell asleep on the floor, curled up into each other.

So this is just a little filler. I'll get some better stuff out next week.

Maybe something romantic? What do you think?

Go ahead and comment :)

Laura <3

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