Chapter FOUR

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Hi eyeryone,
I'm back again. I'm sorry for not posting, but I had no time for writing.
This chapter is a little shorter, but I hope you like it :).
Feel free to comment and give me some feedback.

Laura <3

Meredith Pov

The next mornig she still hold me tight and I smiled. I gently said her name and she woke up. When she recognized that she still hold me she blushed and tried to pull away. „Hey Addie, it's fine, I like it." I said to comfort her. „ Are you sure? Because apart form you nobody really liked it to be held by me. I mean all of them liked me somehow but nobody liked to cuddle or really talk with me." She said and I saw the tears in her eyes. „Oh Addie, I didn't know that, but I really like cuddling with you, I mean I was the one who asked. I clearly wouldn't have if i didn't like you." „ You like me? I mean you said it yesterday but I thought you just said it because I said it to you." „Of course, I really like you, and I don't hate you because of our history. I mean I think that you guessed that I hate you but I really don't. You are beautiful and strong and I couldn't think of someone else to be here with right now." I explained to her. She just smiled and then we got up.

*Later that day*

I just finished with one patinent at the hospital, when I got a page from Addie. I wondered what it could be and went to look. She paged me to an on-call room and when I got there I knocked at the door gently. „ Addison, it's me, Meredith. Are you okay? Can I come in?" I heard someone sobbing and I opened the door. She sat on a bed and cried. I immediatley rushed over and sat down next to her. „Hey Addie, whats wrong?" „I just.... I didn't mean to bother you, I'm sorry, you don't have to deal with me. With all of this. I don't deserve all this." She said crying. „Addie, you do not have to tell me what is wrong, but I'll stay here." I just hugged her and tried to comfort her.

Addison Pov

I don't deserve her. I don't deserve this. I am not worth any of this. She cares about me and I can't give anything back. She is too good for me.


„Addison Montgomery!" I heard someone say my name. I turned around and saw the man who said my name. „ I'm sorry, but who are you?" „ Of course you don't remember me. I am the man of the mother and child that you killed. I mean it's a long time ago, but I heared that you are back in town. So I have to tell you this: You don't deserve to be happy, nobody will ever love you, I can't understand how anyone has ever loved you, you heartless killer! How can you even look at youself in the mirror?..." He went on and on but I didn't hear him anymore. I just turend around and ran away.


She hugged me and I calmed down. Then I started speaking „ Meredith, I'm so so sorry. I couldn't think about anyone else to page." „It's fine, you can always page me, when you need something." „ There was this guy, he said he was the husband of a woman I treaded. I couldn't save her and her child and he said I wouldn't deserve to be happy and that nobody loves me and I don't know what else." I started to cry again. „Oh damn, you deserve to be happy and you are so loved, think about Henry. Don't let anyone tell you different. You are the most amazing woman I ever met." She hugged me thightly. After a little while she looked at her phone „ Our shift is over. Do you want to go home?" I just nodded and we went home.

Meredith Pov

When we arrived there, we went inside and I told her to lay down in bed. I grabbed some hot cocolate and went after her. „ Here you go. If you want to talk I'm here, but if not we can wach a movie." I suggested. „Amm... can we talk?" „ Of course, Addie" I smiled „ So I have to tell you something, but please don't juge me or something like this." She started shyly. I gave her an encouraging look. „ So I think I have feelings for somebody." „ Why should I juge you for that?" I asked confused. „ Because I have feelings for you and I haven't have feelings for a women, and I don't know. And it's totaly fine when you don't want me to live here anymore. It's just like, I wanted to tell you since you comforted me in the supply closet." She looked down at her hands and then slowly up to my face. I could tell she was scared. „ I don't know what to say. Amm..." „ Oh my gosh, I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry." She stood up and started to pull out her bags. „Hey, what are you doing?" I stood up and stopped her. I grabbed her hand an looked into her eyes. I saw the tears in them and then I leaned forward and kissed her gently on her lips. „ I feel the same way. I could never stand it if you would go now." I said when I pulled away. She just stood there and then she started to cry, but it was happy tears. „Oh Mer, I... Thank you so so much. I don't know what to say, I'm so happy right now" Then I pulled her into a thight hug.

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