Chapter FIVE

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Addison Pov

I woke up and the first thing I thought about was our kiss. I smiled and looked over to Meredith. We slept in the same bed again because we both couldn't sleep alone anymore. She looked so peaceful with her eyes closed and her little snores. I carefully brushed a strand of hair from her face. She woke up and smiled at me. „ Good morning, beautiful." She said with her morning voice. We got up and I went down to make us some breakfast, while she went to shower. When she came down she wore a oversized white hoodie and a dark pair of jeans. „You look beautiful" „ Aww thank you, Addie. You don't look bad yourself." I blushed and she giggled. „ You are so so cute, you know that?" she said and then she pulled me to her. She looked into my eyes and then she kissed me until air became an issue. Then we pulled away and then she said „You should go and shower. I can do the dishes." I nodded and gave her a quick kiss before I went to the bathroom. When I got out she stood next to the door and watched me. I only had a towel wrapped around my body and I blushed. „ Oh Addie, you are so cute, did I said that already?" „Yeah, you did." I giggled. I went into my room and got dressed, then we left for work.

*After Work*

The day was so boring, that we both were glad to come home. I closed the door and on the next second my back was pressed against it. Meredtih stood only a bit away form my body and pressed me against the door. „Oh I missed you so much." She wispered into my ear and then she kissed me. „ I missed you too" I said when we pulled away and went into the kitchen.
Meredith Pov

We ate and suddenly she started to speak „Mer, can I tell you something?" „Of course. Did I something wrong?" „Oh, no you didn't do anything wrong. It's.. it's me. I.. I never had a relationship with a girl. And I never kissed a girl before you. And I never had, you now, sex with a girl." She said embarresed.

Oh my god! I am the first girl she kissed, this is such an honor.

 I walked over to her and stroke her back „ Addie, this is nothing to be embaressed about. I think it's quite cool, that I'm the first girl you ever kissed. But do you like kissing me?" „I love kissing you, but I don't know what this makes me. I mean I thought I was straigth and now.. am I gay or what is this?" „I am bisexual, so I like men and woman. And you don't have to label youself. You just like me and I am obiously a woman." I tried to answer her question the best I could. She nodded and looked at me with a look in her eyes I have never seen before. „What is it, Addie? Why do you look at me like this?" She quickly looked away „Nothing." „ Oh come on you can tell me anything. You don't have to hide anything, I mean if you don't want to tell em, I'm fine with it but you can trust me, I won't juge you for anything." I said reassuring. „Okay, I will tell you, but please don't laugh our run away. I think I want to ask you something important. So here it comes: Do you want to be my girlfriend? I mean we just kissed like a day ago but it fells right." She looked up to me shyly and I almost screamd „YES YES OMG YES. I really want to be you girlfriend, Addie. I'd love to be you girlfreind. I'm so so glad you asked." She smiled and pulled me for a hug.
Addison Pov

She said yes, I'm the luckiest person in this whole world.

„Do you want to dance?" I asked, because I really felt like dancing right now. She nodded and we want to the living room. I turned some Taylor Swift music on. „ Oh my god, you like Taylor Swift?" „Yeah, why? Don't you like her? I can put on some other music." I panicked. „I love Taylor, she is amazing" I smiled and we started to dance. About an hour later we both were so tired, so we decided to go to bed. She looked at me and asked „Is it okay, if I sleep in your bed with you. Not sleeping in a sexual way but sleeping in a normal way." I agreed and we went to bed. She placed her head on my chest and almost immediatley slept in. I layed there and couldn't sleep, even though I was tired as hell.

What if she regrets it to be my girlfriend? I'm old and I have nothing to give someone younger couldn't give her. And I remind her of Derek. She deserves better, I'm not good enough for her. I'll tell her that tomorrow and she can leave.

I finally slept but those worries were still there.

I know that this is a short chapter again, but I wanted to update :)
I think I will post another chapter tomorow or in two days :)
Let me know what you think about this one <3

Laura <3

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